How to Combat Perimenopause Weight Gain

Perimenopause Weight Gain

Every woman's journey through life brings with it a symphony of changes, some subtle, some dramatic. One of the pivotal moments in this odyssey is perimenopause, a stage as complex as it is transformative.

As your body undergoes this metamorphosis, you might find your reflection in the mirror or the numbers on the scale changing too. What causes weight gain during perimenopause - and is there anything you can do to get your body back on track?

While weight gain during perimenopause may feel like an unescapable reality right now, we’re here to tell you that you have more control over the way you look and feel than you think. With the right lifestyle changes and the best supplement for menopause weight gain, you can turn back the hands of time and feel comfortable in your own skin once again.

We’ll talk about all this and more in our detailed guide on how to combat perimenopause weight gain. But first, let’s set the stage a bit with a brief overview of what this early stage of menopause is, exactly.

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is often dubbed as the 'dress rehearsal' for menopause. It’s an intriguing and deeply personal chapter in a woman’s narrative. It’s a time of adaptation, discovery, and yes, sometimes a touch of bewilderment. 

Definition and Timeline

Perimenopause is the transitional phase that paves the way from a woman's reproductive years to menopause. This can often stretch for several years.

Biologically speaking, perimenopause commences when the ovaries start producing less estrogen. This decrease is not linear or predictable. Some months might feel 'normal', while others bring noticeable differences in menstrual cycle patterns. 

Officially, menopause is marked when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. Thus, perimenopause is the bridge between regular menstrual cycles and that one-year milestone of menstrual absence. 

That being said, what menopause symptoms can you expect in this transitionary period?

Symptoms and Signs You’re Entering This Stage

While every woman's experience is as unique as her fingerprint, there are common indicators that suggest the onset of perimenopause:

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles: This is often the first sign. You might notice your periods becoming less predictable, sometimes skipping a month, or at other times, occurring more frequently.
  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: Hot flashes are a sudden warmth that engulfs the body. They can range from mildly uncomfortable to significantly disruptive. Night sweats, their nocturnal counterpart, can interrupt a peaceful night's rest.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Even if night sweats aren’t the culprit, many women report trouble falling or staying asleep during this phase.
  • Mood Fluctuations: Emotional changes can be profound, with some women experiencing mood swings, irritability, or even bouts of menopause anxiety or depression.
  • Vaginal Dryness: Reduced estrogen can lead to decreased moisture in the vaginal area, which may result in discomfort during intercourse.
  • Changes in Libido: Some women notice a dip in their sexual desire during this transitional phase.
  • Breast Tenderness: Just as in some menstrual cycles, breast discomfort or tenderness can be a sign.
  • Urinary Changes: There might be an increased urgency to urinate or even some leakage, especially when sneezing or laughing.

Of course, weight gain in perimenopause is the specific symptom that brought you here, so let’s narrow our focus. Can perimenopause weight gain?Unfortunately, yes - this is often where menopause weight gain begins.


That being said, let’s unpack what causes weight gain during perimenopause so we can teach you how to combat it.

What Causes Weight Gain During Perimenopause?

So, why does perimenopause cause weight gain? Is this just part of the journey, or are you doing something wrong? 

While the mirror might reflect a few extra pounds and the clothes might feel a touch snug, it's crucial to understand that this isn't just a result of dietary indulgence or a sedentary lifestyle. Several underlying factors cause weight gain in perimenopause. 

Hormonal Fluctuations

At the heart of perimenopause is a hormonal symphony that sometimes feels more like a cacophony. Two hormones play lead roles here:

  • Estrogen: As women enter perimenopause, estrogen levels don't just fall - they fluctuate. These unpredictable ebbs and surges can affect how and where the body stores fat. There's often a shift from storing fat in the hips and thighs to storing it around the abdomen.
  • Progesterone: While its primary role isn't related to weight, changes in progesterone can cause water retention and bloating, giving the feeling of added weight.

Loss of Muscle Mass

Age can be sneaky. As we get older, there's a natural decline in our muscle mass. Why does this matter? Muscle burns more calories than fat does, even at rest. 

As muscle decreases and fat proportionally increases, our metabolism slows down, leading to weight gain unless there's a significant cut in calorie intake or an increase in physical activity. 

Thus, part of how to combat perimenopause weight gain entails upping your fitness while adjusting your diet. We’ll get to that later.

Poor Sleep

Perimenopause often brings with it sleep disturbances, as you may have already noticed. Tossing, turning, waking up drenched from night sweats - these disruptions are more than just tiring. 

Poor sleep can lead to imbalances in hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin, triggering increased appetite and cravings for sugary, high-carb foods. Over time, this can contribute to those creeping pounds. 

In fact, we wrote a complete guide dissecting the relationship between menopause and sugar cravings if you’d like to learn more about how to stop them, or how to stop eating when you're not hungry. Let’s look at a few more potential causes of weight gain in perimenopause, though.

Other Causes of Weight Gain in Perimenopause

What causes weight gain during perimenopause beyond the three factors above? There are plenty of places to point the blame:

  • Insulin Resistance: Hormonal changes can make the body more resistant to insulin, causing the body to require more insulin to ferry sugar from the bloodstream into cells. Higher insulin levels can promote fat storage.
  • Stress: Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, a hormone that can lead to fat storage, especially around the midsection.
  • Decreased Physical Activity: There might be a natural inclination to move less as energy levels fluctuate, further contributing to weight gain. This can be attributed to menopause fatigue, a troublesome symptom that you may already be familiar with.
  • Dietary Choices: Hormonal shifts can lead to increased cravings, which when paired with emotional eating or less mindful food choices, can add up over time.

Understanding what causes weight gain during perimenopause isn't just about identifying the 'whys' behind the weight gain; it's about regaining control. 

When you recognize the factors at play, you're better positioned to address them head-on, paving the way for a more empowered journey through perimenopause. Before we teach you how to combat perimenopause weight gain, let’s talk numbers. What is the average weight gain in perimenopause?

What is the Average Weight Gain in Perimenopause?

On average, women gain about 2 to 5 pounds during the perimenopausal transition. However, it's worth noting that individual experiences vary widely. While some women might gain a little more, others might notice a more subtle shift, and a few might not experience any weight gain at all.

It's essential to remember that this weight gain is often a complex interplay of hormonal fluctuations, changes in metabolism, and other factors we discussed in the previous section. So, while numbers provide a benchmark, every woman's journey is unique.

That being said, how long does menopause weight gain last? Is it worth weathering the storm and waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, or should you take action today to reverse weight gain during perimenopause?

The truth is, your hormone levels may never return to where they were pre-menopause. That means your best bet is to start making lifestyle changes as soon as possible, as preventing weight gain is far easier than shedding it after the fact.

Neverthless, the tips we have below on how to combat perimenopause weight gain will help you shed unwanted fat if you’ve already noticed it accumulating around your midsection. Without any further ado, here is how to stop perimenopause weight gain.

How to Combat Perimenopause Weight Gain: Lifestyle Changes and Supplements for Weight Gain in Perimenopause

Perimenopause might feel like a roller coaster for many, especially when it comes to weight gain. The good news, though, is that BB Company is your trusted source for how to stop menopause weight gain.

Let's break down the actionable steps and changes you can introduce to regain control over your body and wellness.

Dietary Recommendations

Following a menopause diet plan for weight gain is your first course of action. 

There are two things to consider here: the specific foods you eat and how much of them you eat. Both of these considerations are important for stopping weight gain in perimenopause. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Balanced Macros: Focus on a balanced intake of macronutrients - proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Emphasize lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, and tofu; healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil; and complex carbohydrates like whole grains, beans, and legumes.
  • Limit Sugars and Processed Foods: Minimize consumption of added sugars and processed foods. These not only contribute to weight gain but can also exacerbate perimenopausal symptoms.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. It aids in digestion, boosts metabolism, and can help control appetite.
  • Mindful Eating: Pay attention to hunger cues, eat slowly, and savor every bite. This approach helps in portion control and enhances the joy of eating.

You can learn more in our blog with our breakdowns on foods to avoid menopause weight gain and foods to never eat for a flat stomach. That being said, diet is just half of the weight management battle - you should pair it with exercise.

Exercise and Physical Activity

The more you move, the more calories you burn - which means you can eat more while still stopping weight gain during perimenopause. However, exercise - particularly, strength training - is especially important in this period as you want to pack on lean muscle mass.

Not only will this keep you physically healthier, but muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. In essence, your body works overtime to shed weight gain in perimenopause when you have more muscle mass on your body. 

Here are a few considerations as you incorporate regular exercise into your perimenopause journey:

  • Strength Training: Incorporating weights and resistance bands can help counteract the loss of muscle mass, boosting metabolism in the process.
  • Cardiovascular Exercise: Engaging in activities like walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling can help burn calories and enhance heart health.
  • Flexibility and Balance: Incorporate yoga or Pilates into your routine. These activities not only improve flexibility and balance but can also help manage stress.
  • Consistency is Key: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, along with strength training at least twice a week. 

Beyond helping you stop weight gain during perimenopause, exercise has profound effects on your overall wellbeing. It’s good for your body and soul simultaneously, what more could you ask for?

Stress Management and Mental Health

If you were stressed before perimenopause, just wait till you see what this next chapter holds for you! Not only does stress take a toll on your mental health, but it can get in the way of weight management. 

So, if not for the sake of your own happiness and contentment, stress management is worth looking into to keep the weight off:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in regular mindfulness practices and meditation can help manage stress, a known culprit behind weight gain.
  • Seek Support: Talk to friends, join support groups, or consider therapy. It's okay to seek help when navigating the complexities of perimenopause.
  • Engage in Hobbies: Rediscover old passions or find new ones. Doing what you love can be a significant stress reliever.

By taking these steps, you’ll also find yourself sleeping better at night - which is what we need to discuss next.

Optimize Sleep Habits

Ample sleep will empower you to wake up each day with the energy to get your workout done, whereas poor sleep can make weight gain worse. 

Unfortunately, getting good sleep becomes tougher as perimenopause begins. That’s why you’re going to need to work a bit harder to optimize your sleep habits:

  • Routine: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time daily, even on weekends.
  • Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. This means a comfortable mattress, cool room temperature, and minimal light and noise.
  • Limit Stimulants: Reduce caffeine and screen time in the evening. These can interfere with your body's natural sleep cycle.


Along with the tips we’ve listed so far in this guide on how to combat perimenopause weight gain, there’s one vital piece missing: the best supplements for menopause.

If you’re wondering how to lose menopause belly fat easily, the answer is as simple as incorporating the best probiotics for belly fat. And for that, you needn’t look beyond Provitalize.

The Best Way to Stop Weight Gain in Perimenopause is With Provitalize!

Provitalize probiotics is a supplement that has transformed the lives of more than 2 million women. It can do the same for you as you search for a solution for weight gain in perimenopause!

No more frustrating weight gain, fewer hot flashes, and an overall sense of well-being are just a few of the reasons to add the best probiotic for menopause to your arsenal. We’ll unpack allthat it can do for you below, starting with how it aids you in your battle against weight gain during perimenopause.

How Provitalize Can Help You Shed Stubborn Belly Fat With Ease

At the heart of Provitalize is its potent blend of natural probiotics. These beneficial bacteria are known to support a healthy gut. 

A balanced gut microbiome plays a significant role in optimizing digestion, reducing inflammation, and aiding in nutrient absorption - all key factors in maintaining a healthy weight.

Wait…do probiotics help with menopausal weight gain? Or, can probiotics cause weight gain? The right probiotics are like a key to unlocking effortless weight management. That’s why we’ve formulated our supplement with the best probiotics for menopause belly: L.Gasseri (SBT 2055), B.Breve (IDCC 4401), and B.Lactis (R101-8).

You can learn more about the lactobacillus gasseri benefits specifically if you’d like, but probiotics are just one aspect of the Provitalize ingredients list. The supplement also contains the top herbs for menopause weight gain, such as Moringa Leaf Extract, Curry Leaf Extract, Curcuminoids, and more.

Provitalize is able to support metabolism through this synergistic formulation. With a higher metabolic rate, your body can burn calories more efficiently, even at rest, making weight management more achievable.

That’s not all, though. Provitalize helps in naturally regulating appetite, ensuring you aren't derailed by those pesky cravings either. 

The best part? No Provitalize side effects to be concerned about! See how our solution stacks up to the alternatives in our comparisons of Meno vs Provitalize, Provitalize vs Happy Mammoth, or Provitalize vs Golo. Otherwise, let’s look at a few other reasons you should add Provitalize to your arsenal beyond combatting weight gain during perimenopause.

More Reasons Perimenopause Women Need Provitalize 

  • Mood and Energy Regulation: Perimenopause isn't just about weight changes. The fluctuating hormones can play havoc with our mood and energy levels. Thanks to its unique blend, Provitalize can help in stabilizing mood swings and ensuring you remain energetic and vital throughout the day. It’s also the best supplement for menopause brain fog!
  • Supports Other Menopausal Symptoms: Beyond weight management, Provitalize has shown promise in assisting with other symptoms such as menopause joint aches, hot flashes, night sweats, and disrupted sleep, making it a comprehensive ally during these transformative years.
  • Community and Support: With dedicated support, resources, and a network of like-minded women, you’re never alone in your journey.

While perimenopause is a natural phase, sailing through it doesn't have to be tumultuous. With a blend of lifestyle modifications and the potent assistance of Provitalize, you can embrace this phase with confidence, vitality, and grace. After all, every woman deserves to feel her best, irrespective of age or life stage.

So, see our Provitalize review page if you’re interested in learning more about the actual results we’ve helped women achieve. Otherwise, get yours today and start your journey to making perimenopause weight gain a problem of the past.

Final Thoughts on How to Stop Perimenopause Weight Gain

Weight gain during perimenopause can steal your confidence and rob you of your vitality. It’s the last thing you want to deal with amidst a sea of other troublesome symptoms. 

Fortunately, seeing that you have more control over weight gain in perimenopause than you may have thought can restore your confidence. 

So, we hope to have inspired you to make a change with this guide. Here are a few key takeaways we want to leave you with before wrapping up this conversation on how to combat perimenopause weight gain:

  • Perimenopause is Natural: It's a phase every woman will experience, but with awareness and proactive measures, its challenges can be met head-on.
  • Lifestyle Changes Matter: Embracing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep can drastically influence how your body responds during this time.
  • Supplementation Can Be a Game-Changer: And that's where Provitalize steps in, offering a holistic solution tailored for the unique needs of perimenopausal women.

Learn more about navigating the twists and turns of menopause in our blog. We have resources on topics like hormone replacement therapy pros and cons, what signals the end of menopause, supplements for menopause joint aches, rapid aging after menopause, and more.

Otherwise, invest in yourself, in your health, and in a brighter, more balanced future by ordering Provitalize today. You’re a click away from transforming your menopause journey into one of grace and comfort!