5 Easy Ways To Fight Off Weight Gain This Holiday Season

The holidays are here and it’s the perfect time to hang out by the fireplace and have a great meal with family.

We are here to help you fight off the weight gain from all the delicious meals you are having.

After doing these 5 simple tips, you can be sure to have an amazing time without worrying about any weight gain.



#1 Get plenty of sleep

Sleep deprivation, which is quite common during the holidays, may cause weight gain.

This is because those who do not sleep enough tend to be hungrier, consume more calories, and exercise less. Sleep restriction may increase your hunger hormone levels, ultimately leading to higher calorie intake.

Additionally, inadequate sleep has been linked to lower metabolism. This may be caused by alterations in your circadian rhythm — a biological clock that regulates many of your bodily functions 


#2 Use a smaller plate

Dinner parties and potlucks are common during the holiday season.

But these celebrations don’t have to wreck your diet if you eat from a smaller plate.

People tend to consume larger portions from big plates, which may lead to overeating. Thus, a smaller plate is an easy way to control portions.


#3 Control your stress levels

Keeping up with the demands of the holidays can be stressful. Stressed individuals commonly have high levels of cortisol, a hormone that’s released in response to stress. Chronically high cortisol levels may cause weight gain, as they have been linked to greater food intake. Additionally, a stressful lifestyle may cause more cravings for junk food. 

For these reasons, it’s important to keep stress levels under control in general — but especially during the holidays, when you might be busy and surrounded by unhealthy foods.

Plenty of techniques can help you reduce stress. Some options include exercise, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.



#4 Be active with family and friends

Sedentary activities, such as sitting on the couch watching TV, are common holiday traditions for many families. Inactivity may contribute to weight gain, especially if accompanied by overeating.

Doing some type of physical activity with your family may prove beneficial for weight control. Even something as simple as a family walk can get your mind off food and allow you to bond with your loved ones.

You can also stay active during the holidays by signing up for a workplace or community fitness event. Races are popular options.


#5 Focus on fiber

Fiber is another important nutrient that induces fullness.

Some studies show that increased dietary fiber can reduce total calorie intake, which may help prevent weight gain over the holidays. 

Unfortunately, many common holiday foods lack adequate amounts of fiber. Do your best to eat fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

PS. If you want a natural solution that manages menopausal weight gain and other menopause symptoms like hot flashes, we’ve got the thing for you.

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle




The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:

  • Manage & improve your mood
  • Lessen Mood Swings
  • Maintain a healthy gut
  • Support healthy weight management
  • Reduce stubborn fat
  • Manage cravings
  • Keeping weight gain and menopausal symptoms at bay

    By getting this bundle, you can get both Previtalize and Provitalize at just $79 ($39.50 per bottle instead of $49).


    #1 Provitalize

    Contains natural phytoestrogens like — curcumin, morning and curry leaf that helps stimulate bile production to boost digestion.

    Also contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, helps repopulate the gut with good bacteria, effectively balancing the gut and improving your gut health.


    #2 Previtalize

    Our flagship prebiotic supplement which contains 5 effective and natural ingredients — Fructooligosaccharides, Inulin, GOS (Galacto-oligosaccharides), Burdock Root and XOS (Xylooligosaccharides)

    Inulin, a plant fibre extracted from a plant called Jerusalem Artichoke, is commonly used in traditional medicine for controlling cholesterol levels.

    It has also the added benefits of supporting the probiotics that help better digestion.

    And when taken together, Provitalize and Previtalize can help better your gut health naturally and effectively, and boost digestion to reduce bloating.

    This makes the Slim Gut Bundle the absolute must-have for any women trying to improve their digestion, reduce bloating and improve their gut health!