5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Libido.

Contrary to the popular belief that your sex life goes out the window the moment you hit menopause…

Your libido can actually increase due to the hormonal imbalances you experience during menopause.

So when your sex drives increases during menopause, dont be alarmed!

Why does libido go up for some women?

That is because of the hormonal imbalance that works out in their favor.

Testosterone is the hormone that is linked to libido for women as well as men. In women, testosterone levels slowly drop, so that a 50-year-old woman has about half the testosterone levels she had at 25.

However, during menopause, estrogen levels fluctuate drastically — and as a result testosterone levels end up being ‘dominant’, which causes the increase in libido.

What about the women with low libido?

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If your sex drive takes a turn for the worse instead, don’t worry!

We’ve prepared some natural ways you boost your libido with:

Tip #1: Eat aphrodisiac fruits.

There are certain fruits that are capable of boosting your libido — or aphrodisiacs.

These foods also provide important vitamins and minerals that can increase blood flow to the genitals and promote a healthy sex life.

Fruits like: Blueberries, Strawberries, Figs, Bananas, Avocado

Tip #2: Fill up on chocolates.

It is no surprise that chocolate is on this list.

It has cemented itself as a symbol of desire , not just because of its delicious taste but also because of its power to improve sexual pleasure.

Chocolate promotes the release of the chemicals phenethylamine and serotonin into your body. This can produce some aphrodisiac and mood-lifting effects.

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Tip #3: Limit your wine.

Too much alcohol can kill the buzz & inhibit your ability to orgasm.

Drinking one glass of wine can put you at ease and increase your interest in becoming intimate. However, too much alcohol can ruin your ability to perform by affecting erectile function.

Tip #4: Get spicy.

Smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on a person’s cardiovascular system. Good heart health is important for good sexual functioning.

People who smoke cigarettes may find that their energy levels and sex drive increase after they quit.

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Tip #5: Communication is key!

For women, emotional closeness is ever so important to sexual intimacy. That means unresolved conflicts can affect your sexual relationship.

So speak to your partner about the problems that are gnawing at you. Communication is essential for building trust in a relationship, and it’s important to communicate constantly to prevent resentments from building up.

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PS: Testosterone isn’t the only hormone that affects your libido. Having lower estrogen levels is also linked to lower libido during menopause.

Is there a solution for increasing estrogen levels?

Yes there is — hormonal supplementation! By supplementing the body with the hormones it needs to maintain hormonal balance, your libido will return to normal.

The most common form of hormonal supplementation is HRT (hormone replacement therapy), however, the health risks might outweigh the benefits for most older women.

So, if you’re looking for a more natural way of hormonal supplementation, we recommend adding phytoestrogens into your diet. 

Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that mimic the effects of estrogen when ingested…

And we’ve added 3 of the best phytoestrogenic herbs, as well as other libido-boosting vitamins into our popular bundle — the Menokit:

Introducing the Menokit

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The Menokit Bundle contains 3 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize + inergyPLUS) designed to:

  • Replenish hormonal levels
  • Increase libido
  • Support healthy weight management
  • Manages sugar & carb cravings
  • Maintain a healthy gut
  • Combat menopausal fatigue
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Keeping menopausal symptoms at bay
Contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, each of them capable of not only boosting your metabolism & calorie burn-rate, but also helps with recycling the hormones in your body.

Contains 3 natural phytoestrogenic herbs — Moringa, Yellow turmeric (curcumin) and Curry Leaf, each of them rich in phytoestrogens that helps replenish the body’s hormonal levels naturally
Contains 5 effective and natural prebiotics that are capable of boosting the performance of thermogenic probiotics.  
Contains 7 key herbs & nutrients that are important in the body’s process of energy production — including Cordyceps, which is studied to boost libido as well as energy levels for women.
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Why choose our Menokit?

Because our probiotic & prebiotic combo works synergistically together to help rebalance hormones naturally. 

Not to mention the natural herbs & nutrients that work in tandem to keep energy levels high and boost libido naturally.

This ensures the body maintains its hormonal balance, keeping pesky menopausal symptoms like low-libido at bay.

This makes the Menokit the perfect bundle to help women fight back against low libido during menopause — allowing them to explore and enjoy being intimate with their partners!

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Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Menokit bundle helped them with their menopausal symptoms:

“So thankful for the Menokit”

“I am almost 55 years old and very active, and for the most part menopause symptoms have been minimal except for the hot flashes and low libido. 
After researching online I came across this combo and thought I would give it a try. My hot flashes were intense and constant. BOOM! This actually worked and worked very fast. It's amazing and I would highly recommend this product. I take it daily for almost a year now, and my hot flashes are few, and my libido levels back to normal.”

- Sandra T, ✅  Verified Buyer
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