...the back and core muscles are going to feel really tight, because your organs are expanding to accommodate the extra gas.
So, by doing some light yoga stretches, focusing on opening up the hips and twisting your torso can be especially beneficial to getting rid of bloat, and fast.
But first, let us take a look at what exactly causes bloating.
Well, a lot of things apparently.
Some foods such as
...and certain sugars found in most chewing gums and candies can be hard to digest.
The small intestine doesn’t always fully absorb these carbohydrates, and instead passes them to the colon, where they are fermented by the bad bacteria and produce gas.
Another cause could be gut sensitivity.
Conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), can cause an abundance of gas. Not to mention both of these conditions can be worsened by menopause.
Now that we’ve covered the causes of bloating and the benefits of stretching before bed, let’s dive right into the 8 stretches that will help dissipate bloating:
This stretch is called the wind-relieving pose for a reason. This is going to let you open up the hips a little bit and stretch through your back, relieving some pressure in your gut (and some gas).
Step 1: Lie on your back
Step 2: Pull your knees into your chest, hugging them with both arms, like you do at the beginning of yoga class.
Step 3: Hold for 30 seconds and then relax. Repeat 2-4 times.
Note: Try to keep your lower back and tailbone as close to the mat as possible.
This stretch massages the abdominal organs and strengthens the abdominal muscles as you stretch your spine. Remember to alternate the directions of your stretches.
Step 1: Lie on your back
Step 2: Reach your arms out to a "T," and keep your knees and hips in line with each other as you lean both knees in the same direction toward the floor.
Step 3: Hold for 30 seconds and then relax. Repeat 2-4 times with your knees in the other direction.
The child’s pose helps alleviate stress and anxiety. The movement flexes the body's internal organs and keeps them supple, alleviating the bloating in the gut.
Step 1: Kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels, then separate your knees about as wide as your hips.
Step 2: Sit your butt back over your heels and lean your upper body forward with arms stretched out in front of you. Keep your back straight and rest your forehead on the floor, or rest your head on an elevated surface like a pillow or yoga block as a modification.
Step 3: Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-4 times.
This stretch might look simple, but it helps stimulate the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus, improves digestion relieving any symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort.
Step 1: Sit on the floor with legs stretched out in front of you.
Step 2: With your back straight, gradually hinge forward from your hips and lower your torso toward your legs as low as is comfortable.
Step 3: Extend out of your hips and reach your crown towards your toes, as opposed to your chin. Keep your neck long and gaze towards your shins, and hands can rest on the outside of the legs or, if you're able to reach, hook on to the outside of your feet.
Step 4: Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-4 times.
This gentle inversion stretch encourages blood flow and aids in digestion. Just make sure no one’s looking!
Step 1: Lie on your back, feet facing a wall.
Step 2: Inch your butt up against the wall and raise your legs up to rest against the wall with your feet flexed, arms at your side, or wherever is most comfortable for you.
Step 3: Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-4 times.
Note: If you have tight hamstrings, sit further away from the wall, or place a bolster or long pillow beneath your lower back for extra support. The best position to be in is one where you don't feel the need to "hold up" your thigh bones.
This stretch gets its name from the likeness of the animals. Not only does it improve balance and posture, but alsohelps stretch the hips, abdomen and back.
Step 1: From your hands and knees on the floor, spine in a neutral position, inhale and engage your abs.
Step 2: Then, exhale and drop your head while you round your spine and imagine pulling your belly button up into your chest. This is the cat pose.
Step 3: For cow pose, inhale, arch your back and lift your head and butt; draw your shoulders away from your ears.
Step 4: Switch between these two poses to warm your spine and release tension in your back and neck.
Note: To modify, stand and place your hands on a sturdy, waist-high surface while cycling between the two poses.
This is a seated variation of the spinal twist.
Step 1: Sit with legs extended in front of you.
Step 2: Bend your right knee and position your right heel as close to your body as possible.
Step 3:Straighten your back, then twist your torso to the right as you reach your left elbow to the outside of your right knee; your right hand placed on the floor behind you.
Step 4: Breathe. Release and repeat on the other side.
Like it’s namesake, this stretch will train you to be as strong and sturdy as a bridge.
Step 1: Lie on the floor with arms beside your body and bend your knees with feet flat on the floor. Make sure your knees and heels are aligned.
Step 2: From your heels, and with your back straight, push your hips up and feel a stretch in your chest.
Note: For a variation, try pressing up with one hip and breathe for five breaths, then switch and hold for another five breaths. For a more restorative pose, place a block at the lower back.
PS. These stretches are great for alleviating bloating and excess gas.
However these stretches do take up some of your time before bed.
For a more seamless and effortless way to relieve that bloat, bettering your gut health is best for the long run.
So, if you are looking to improve your gut health, we’ve got just the thing for you:
The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:
Previtalize contains Xylooligosaccharides, commonly found in corn, milk and honey, is a fiber that is a great source of nutrients for the probiotics in Provitalize. Studies have also found that it also helps support better digestion.
And when taken together,Provitalize and Previtalize can help better your gut health naturally and effectively, improving your digestion and reducing bloating.
Provitalize shines the brightest when taken together with Previtalize.
The prebiotics in Previtalize help boost the efficacy of the unique probiotic strains found in Provitalize, while also helping to improve gut health and reduce bloating.
This makes the Slim Gut Bundle the absolute must-have for any women dealing with bloating and weight gain issues!