We all know of stretches as a way to warm up before strenuous exercise, relieving muscle tightness & increasing mobility…
But did you know it’s also the secret to a better night’s rest?
Menopausal insomnia can leave you staring at a dark, empty ceiling with no hope of falling asleep.
That’s not only free, quick to master and easy to incorporate into your bedtime routine: stretching.
Now, you might be thinking…
Well, that's because our usual bedtime routine of brushing our teeth, washing our face, slathering on some moisturizer and reading a book is missing something very important.
Our muscles.
Throughout the day, your body and mind are constantly holding on to physical forms of stress, either because of work, strenuous exercise, and other forms of hair-pulling annoyances.
Which is why a nighttime stretching practice is important to allow your body to release built-up tension and helps you get relaxed before bed, helping you fall asleep with greater ease and remain in a longer, deeper sleep.
So if you’re finally ready to make the most of your precious beauty sleep, here are nine stretches you can easily do before bed (starting tonight!)
Good for: Releasing tension in the head, neck and shoulders.
Good for: Releasing tension in the neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs.
Good for: Releasing tension in the hamstrings and calves.
Good for: Opens tight shoulders and releases tension in the lower back.
Good for: Releasing tension in the hip flexors, glutes and lower back.
Good for: Releasing tension in the neck and lower back.
Good for: Releasing tension in the back, neck, spine and shoulders.
Good for: Restores the body and releases tension in the back, shoulders and neck.
Good for: Releasing tension in the spine, groin and hips.
PS. Along with these relaxing bedtime stretches, we recommend including Provitalize to complete your your bedtime routine:
Provitalize not only contains phytogenic herbs that help rebalance hormones and keep night sweats at bay…
But it also contains probiotics, which studies have shown improve sleep quality, as they produce melatonin when they’re fully incorporated into the gut.
Melatonin is absolutely crucial for the brain to regulate sleep, ensuring you sleep like a baby through the night without any disturbances.
So, if you’re looking for a natural supplement to fight back against insomnia, why not give Provitalize a try:
Provitalize has been loved by over 409,000 women worldwide for being the solution to their menopausal symptoms, including incomnia.
With its unique blend of thermogenic probiotics, all-natural herbs & absorption boosters, it has helped women worldwide fight back against:
… and many more!
We truly believe Provitalize will be the perfect addition to your bedtime regime, giving you the support you need to finally fall asleep without any hindrances, like insomnia & night sweats, allowing you to enjoy your beauty sleep to the fullest.
We get it.
It can be daunting to shell out for something that might not even work.
But with over 409,000 satisfied customers, we’re very confident in our products and the potential benefits they will bring to your menopausal journey...
So confident, that we’ve got a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy with our product after trying it out for 90 days- you just need to tell us & we will refund you 100%!
So, what have you got to lose? Try Provitalize and experience the life-changing benefits for yourself today!
PPS. Don’t believe us ? Here are some reviews from our lovely customers who have enjoyed better sleep first hand: