9 Bedtime Stretches Guaranteed to Have You Sleeping Like a Baby!

We all know of stretches as a way to warm up before strenuous exercise, relieving muscle tightness & increasing mobility…

But did you know it’s also the secret to a better night’s rest?

Menopausal insomnia can leave you staring at a dark, empty ceiling with no hope of falling asleep.

Luckily there’s a solution...

That’s not only free, quick to master and easy to incorporate into your bedtime routine: stretching.

Now, you might be thinking…

How are a few stretches able to help?

Well, that's because our usual bedtime routine of brushing our teeth, washing our face, slathering on some moisturizer and reading a book is missing something very important.

Our muscles.

Throughout the day, your body and mind are constantly holding on to physical forms of stress, either because of work, strenuous exercise, and other forms of hair-pulling annoyances.

Which is why a nighttime stretching practice is important to allow your body to release built-up tension and helps you get relaxed before bed, helping you fall asleep with greater ease and remain in a longer, deeper sleep.

So if you’re finally ready to make the most of your precious beauty sleep, here are nine stretches you can easily do before bed (starting tonight!)

Stretch #1: Side Neck Stretch

Good for: Releasing tension in the head, neck and shoulders.

  • In a seated position with your legs crossed, gently bend your head to the right, lowering your right ear to your right shoulder. 
  • Simultaneously reach your right hand down while dropping your shoulder away from your ear. You’ll feel a stretch in the left side of your neck.
  • Hold for five breaths. Gently bring the head back to center and repeat on the other side.

Stretch #2: Sleeping Swan

Good for: Releasing tension in the neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs.

  • In a seated position with a pillow in front of you, bend the left knee, bringing the sole of the left foot to your right inner thigh. 
  • Lift the right hip to extend the right leg back behind you. Your upper right thigh and the top of your right foot should be pressed against the floor.
  • Gently hinge forward from the hips and lower down as far as you can, keeping your torso aligned, until your head hits the pillow.
  • Extend your arms forward with a slight bend in your elbows to further deepen the stretch. 
  • Hold here for ten breaths. Roll up slowly and repeat on the other side.

Stretch #3: Seated Forward Fold

Good for: Releasing tension in the hamstrings and calves.

  • In a seated position, extend both legs straight out in front of you.
  • Inhale and reach both arms up, lengthening the spine. 
  • Exhale and fold forward, hinging at the hips as your arms reach towards your toes. 
  • Hold for five breaths and release.

Stretch #4: Supine Twist

Good for: Opens tight shoulders and releases tension in the lower back.

  • Lie flat on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Lower both knees to your left side. 
  • Keeping the shoulders on the ground, extend both arms out as your torso twists.
  • Take five breaths, making sure your hips are aligned, and then slowly bring the knees back to the center.
  • Let your knees fall to your right side and repeat.

Stretch #5: Low Lunge Stretch

Good for: Releasing tension in the hip flexors, glutes and lower back.

  • In a standing position, extend the right leg behind you, dropping your knee to the floor. 
  • Bend the left front knee, keeping it in line with the ankle as you lower.
  • Inhale as you reach your arms above your head and extend them toward the ceiling, lengthening the spine. 
  • Hold for five breaths. Release and repeat on the other side.

Stretch #6: Child’s Pose

Good for: Releasing tension in the neck and lower back.

  • Begin by getting on your shins with your knees hip-width apart, feet together behind you. 
  • Take one big inhale and on the exhale fold forward, hinging at the hips, lengthening the spine, drawing the ribs away from the tailbone and stretching the crown of the head away from the shoulders.
  • Rest your forehead on the ground, with your arms either comfortably at your side or extended out in front of you. 
  • Hold here for ten breaths or more as needed.

Stretch #7: Cat Cow Pose

Good for: Releasing tension in the back, neck, spine and shoulders.

  • Begin in a neutral position on all fours with your wrists directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. 
  • Take a deep inhale and on the exhale round your spine up towards the ceiling, pulling your belly button in towards your spine while dropping your head and tucking your chin in towards your chest. This is Cat pose.
  • Take another deep inhale and on the exhale lower your core and lift your head and tailbone up towards the ceiling. This is Cow pose.
  • Continue flowing between Cat and Cow for ten breaths or more as needed.

Stretch #8: Legs-up-the-wall Stretch

Good for: Restores the body and releases tension in the back, shoulders and neck.

  • Find a wall and lie flat on your back with your hips a few inches from the base of the wall. 
  • Extend your legs up until your calves and hamstrings are touching the wall.
  • Choose the distance that feels most comfortable and adjust as needed. You can also place a cushion under the hips for support.
  • Rest your arms comfortably at your sides and hold for ten breaths or more as needed.

Stretch #9: Happy Baby Stretch

Good for: Releasing tension in the spine, groin and hips.

  • Step 1: Lie flat on your back, then lift your legs and bend your knee with your feet flexed up towards the ceiling.
  • Reach forward with your hands and grab the big toe of each foot to further bend the knees towards the armpits. If you’re able, rock side to side to gently massage the spine. 
  • Hold for 10 breaths or more as needed.

PS. Along with these relaxing bedtime stretches, we recommend including our Menokit PLUS to complete your your bedtime routine:

Our Menokit PLUS is designed to give menopausal women the support they need to enjoy their beauty sleep and fight back against menopausal insomnia.

It contains 4 superfoods used since ancient times to keep insomnia at bay:

You can find these superfoods in our specially created bundle — Menokit PLUS.

Introducing the Menokit PLUS Bundle

By combining the all-natural ingredients of:

  • Natural Probiotics in Provitalize 
  • Burdock Root in Previtalize
  • Rhodiola in inergyPLUS 
  • Black Cohosh in inergySLEEP 

We’ve created a holistic solution for women to help FIGHT BACK against menopause symptoms, and help them:

  • Fight back against insomnia
  • Keep night sweats at bay
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Increase their energy levels
  • Improve their gut health
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Manage their weight
  • Boost their metabolism
  • Ease symptoms of aging and hormonal changes

… and more!

We truly believe that our Menokit PLUS bundle will be the perfect addition to your bedtime regime, giving you the support you need to finally fall asleep without any hindrances…

And keep sleep disturbances like insomnia & night sweats at bay, allowing you to get the most out of your beauty sleep, and wake up each morning feeling refreshed!

Don’t believe us ?

Here are some reviews from our lovely customers who have enjoyed better sleep first hand, thanks to our Menokit PLUS:

“The best ever, I’m a different woman!”

"This product has changed my life.
The Menokit PLUS has stopped all my recurring hot flashes and night sweats I’ve been having for 8 years.
I was having 20-30 hot flashes a day and waking up in the middle of the night, deprived of sleep and soaking wet with sweat...
I’ve been on the menokit plus now for 6 weeks and I’d rather go without coffee or food then these. My husband says I’m a different woman and my mood is way better too now that I’m sleeping better.
Thank you for such a great product."

- Donna G, ✅Verified Buyer

“Review on Menokit PLUS”
“I really like this bundle. I am currently 47 going through the change of life and before I started taking it I was irritable, exhausted and felt bloated and gained extra weight. With the menokit plus, I see an improvement with all of that turning my frustrations into feeling great, especially since I started sleeping better!” 

- LeeAnn G, ✅Verified Buyer

“Best Bundle I’ve Tried!”
“I started using the menokit plus bundle 3 months ago. It reduced my hot flashes within days and my sleep became deeper. My mid-month weight fluctuation also started lessening. I’ve tried many projects over the past 2 years and this by far works the best.” 
- Megan O, ✅Verified Buyer