How to get rid of menopause symptoms.

We all know the symptoms of menopause

Hot flashes, insomnia, sugar cravings and many more.

However, not many women know how changes in the body during menopause causes all these changes. 

As women go through menopause, two major hormone levels decrease - Estrogen and Progesterone. 

There are two major hormones that tend to cause these symptoms that we will explore closely - Estrogen & Progesterone

    Declining Estrogen Levels Causes Symptoms like - sugar cravings, unwanted weight gain & hot flashes

    1. How does drop in estrogen levels cause Sugar Cravings?

    A drop in estrogen also decreases serotonin (happy hormone) levels in the body and this affects your mood. In order to boost your serotonin levels, your body craves sugar and that is why you have sugar cravings. 

    1. How does drop in estrogen levels cause Unwanted Weight Gain?

    Estrogen regulates glucose and lipids metabolism. In other words, the more estrogen you have, the faster and more effective you will be at burning calories and fats. As estrogen levels decline, you will start accumulating more fat as your body simply can no longer burn them as fast as it used to.

    1. How does drop in estrogen levels cause Hot Flashes?

    With a drop in estrogen, your hypothalamus (body’s thermostat) becomes overly sensitive to slight temperature changes and is tricked into thinking that your body is hotter than it actually is.

    Thus, it triggers hot flashes and sweating to let your body cool down.

    So, how can we combat symptoms like - unwanted weight gain, bloating hot flashes, night sweats and sugar cravings - and feel like our old self again? 


    Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that mimic estrogen in the body, effectively boosting our estrogen levels.

    With an increased estrogen level, your serotonin level increases, your metabolism increases and your hypothalamus would no longer be as sensitive to slight temperature changes

    This means reduced sugar cravings as well as no more unwanted weight gain and hot flashes.

      Now, let's understand how...

      Declining Progesterone Levels Causes Symptoms like - mood swings & insomnia?

      1. How does drop in Progesterone levels cause Insomnia?

      Progesterone is a sleep producing hormone.

      When it starts to decline during menopause, you will find it more difficult to fall asleep and maintain sleep.

      This is why you get insomnia.

      1. How does drop in Progesterone levels cause Mood Swings?

      Progesterone is also a natural mood-enhancer and helps boost your mood. 

      When it starts to decline, there will be a decline in the feel-good hormones and you will start to experience anxiety, stress and mood swings. 

      Question remains, how do I alleviate these symptoms?

      Balance Estrogen & Progesterone Levels Naturally

      It really is that simple.

      One way to balance estrogen levels naturally is using herbs like turmeric and moringa leaf, which are natural phytoestrogens.

      An increase in estrogen leads to reduced hot flashes, sugar cravings and mood swings.

      As for progesterone, it is by improving your gut health with probiotics (good bacteria).

      A healthy gut also signals the body to produce more progesterone, reducing insomnia and mood swings.

      A healthy gut also helps to improve digestion and metabolism, leading to less bloating and unwanted weight gain.


      This is why we spent thousands of dollars to research and develop our #1 bestselling product Provitalize, which is specifically cultivated to manage menopause symptoms like hot flashes, bloating, insomnia, and many more.

      Read the science behind Provitalize

      Provitalize, our #1 best selling Thermogenic Probiotic supplement, contains our proprietary blend of  thermogenic probiotics,natural herbs and  absorption boosters 

      It contains turmeric and moringa leaf, which are phytoestrogens that mimic the body’s natural estrogen and help reduce the effects caused by low estrogen.

      It also contains 3 powerful thermogenic probiotics (L. Gasseri , B. Breve, B. Lactis) that improve your gut health by flooding your gut with good bacteria. 

      Absorption boosters like piperine extract are also added into provitalize to boost the effectiveness of the probiotics and natural herbs.

      Just by taking  2 capsules a day, you too, can experience these benefits:

      1. Better weight & bloating management
      2. Reduced stubborn fat accumulation
      3. Better gut health
      4. Reduced Inflammation
      5. Curbed sugar cravings
      6. Improved mood swings & anxiety
      7. Increased energy levels
      8. Better sleep
      9. Reduced hot flashes & night sweats

      ...and many more

      PS. Don’t believe us? Check out some of our customer’s reviews here:

      Fantastic Weight loss aid!

      I am on it 30 days and the bloating has totally gone. My weight has steadied too. I eat sensibly and always have and exercise too. I couldn't understand why my weight was increasing in the years after a hysterectomy. I am feeling more energetic too. I will be staying on provitalize.

      - Colette Crothers, Verified Buyer


      Tried Everything… 

      I'm at 3 months... thank God for these products. I sleep better, I don't get the 3 pm slump, I'm more focused, the hot flashes are few and far between now..... finally after 3 years of trying everything under the sun. I finally feel like myself again.

      -Jodi Whitenight Baldwin, ✅Verified Buyer 

      Provitalize really works!

      I feel so much better in myself. Prior to taking provitalize I had had a negative experience with my body post menopause. I felt bloated and tired and had gained weight and generally felt like I had lost a big part of myself. Provitalize has helped me establish a new relationship with myself and have less bloating, more energy and general feeling of enjoying being in my body once more

      - Joanna Z, ✅Verified Buyer