This wasn't something I had to worry about when I was younger. I showered. I left the house. I didn't worry about how I smelled or if I stunk. But now I’m pulling the neckline of my tee shirt up over my nose so I can get a really good whiff every 30 minutes to check if I’m stinky.
The smells come from pretty much just my right armpit. I could only say it smells like a mix of wet dog, vinegar, and a teenage boy after gym class. My husband likens it to oniony burger wrappers that have been left in the sun for too long.
I try to keep as clean as possible, but the smell comes back barely after a few hours after showering.🙁 I’ve resorted to applying copious amounts of antiperspirant solid and sprays in parts of my body I’d never considered before whenever I have to go out. I keep spares in every purse, in my car, and in my desk drawer just in case I run out.
I’ve become so self conscious of how I smell, and it’s so tiring. Just curious if I have any stinky soulmates out there going through the same situation?”
- Cynthia M, 53
Smelling different or just simply, bad, is a weird, but common symptom many menopausal women face as they go through hormonal changes.
Take Cynthia for example, she started smelling like a wet dog crossed with a teenage boy after gym class.
As a result, she resorted to carrying and applying lots of antiperspirant whenever she goes out.
It’s mainly caused by two things.
Firstly, dips in estrogen can trigger hot flashes and night sweats, and sweating more can result in body odor. Hormone imbalance and body odor often go together
Secondly, the increased sweating, caused by anxiety or stress. Anxiety sweat is a sort of fatty sweat (ew) that bacteria love to lounge in, causing a different and often more pronounced odor. And since menopause can cause a rise in anxiety, voilà!
If your scent or sweating are making you uncomfortable, there are things you can do to help:
Keep cool — increases in your body's core temperature can trigger hot flashes. Dress in layers so that you can remove clothing when you feel warm.
Keep an eye on your diet — Hot and spicy foods, caffeinated beverages and alcohol can trigger hot flashes. Learn to recognize your triggers and avoid them.
Reduce stress — yeah, we know it sounds cliché, but if you can lessen stress, obviously you’ll sweat less and you’ll produce less of the anxiety sweat that’s stronger in odor.
Rebalance hormones — a way to nip both causes in the bud (hot flashes & anxiety) is by rebalancing your hormones. With the hormones in balance, chances are there are less mood swings and anxiety to cause sweating.
PS. If you want a way to rebalance your hormones naturally and fight body odor naturally, why not try Provitalize?:Compared to applying antiperspirants — which contains traces of aluminium that prevents you from sweating unnaturally…
Provitalize is a far more holistic, natural alternative for combating menopausal body odor!
And you’re not seeing the results you want…
We’ve prepared a few tips for you to get the best out of Provitalize!
Here are some food & drink you absolutely have to avoid while taking Provitalize:
Sodas — the gas can cause unwanted bloating, and the insane amount of sugar contained in most sodas can be detrimental to your gut — as the bad bacteria in your gut feeds on sugar to survive.
Chlorinated Water — chlorine is commonly added to tap water to eliminate most pathogens and kill germs. However, as probiotics are essentially “bacteria”, albeit good ones, are eliminated by chlorine automatically.
Antibiotics — unless you absolutely have to, avoid taking antibiotics because they can disrupt your gut flora balance by eliminating all the bacteria in your gut, good or bad.
Processed Food — the additives contained in processed food can not only be hard to digest, but also can harm your gut’s bacteria.
Fried Foods — the fried foods that are commercially cooked are usually prepared with oils that can cause gut inflammation, like Canola, Safflower,Soybean and Cottonseed.
If Provitalize didn’t work for you way back when, we’ve got a good reason why you should give it a try now!
To give you a peace of mind about giving Provitalize a try, we’ve got a 90-day money-back guarantee.
If you’re not happy with our product after trying it out for 90 days, you only need to email us & we will refund you 100% of your money back!