10 vitamins and minerals you need in your diet now

Vitamins and minerals are crucial in having a healthy functioning body.

However, menopause does mess up your vitamin and mineral balance and as a result, cause some unwanted symptoms.

Therefore, we would like to share with you 10 important vitamins and minerals you will need to combat and relieve menopause symptoms.

#1 Magnesium

For many women, magnesium has been a game changer in improving their lives once they are going through menopause.

Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and helps mood regulation. It also helps in regulating blood sugar and insulin levels, helping you reduce some symptoms like sugar cravings and mood swings 

If you experience migraine, magnesium could also provide some relief for you.

Common sources of magnesium are avocado, salmon, almonds and dark chocolate

#2 Vitamin D

For women, vitamin D becomes even more essential during menopause. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and a variety of other bodily processes. In other words, having a vitamin D deficiency would increase your risk of osteoporosis as calcium is important in reducing osteoporosis risk.

The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. However, during winter when we are all covered up or staying indoors, an alternative could be some fatty fishes or fortified foods.

#3 Calcium

Your bones are made from calcium, and you need to keep consuming this essential mineral to maintain optimal bone density. Various factors can reduce your body’s ability to use calcium as you get older, however, so supplementing with this mineral can help prevent natural age-related bone loss. 

During menopause, there is also an increased risk of osteoporosis due partly to the declining estrogen levels. Thus. it is important to boost your calcium with foods like dairy or leafy greens.

#4 Vitamin B12

Your bones are made from calcium, and you need to keep consuming this essential mineral to maintain optimal bone density. Various factors can reduce your body’s ability to use calcium as you get older, however, so supplementing with this mineral can help prevent natural age-related bone loss. Vitamin B12 deficiency has also been found to worsen insomnia.

Foods that are high in vitamin B12 are beef, sardines, tuna, fortified cereal, salmon and dairy

#5 Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is an important vitamin that helps make serotonin, the brain’s happy hormone. Serotonin helps better regulate your mood, reducing mood swings and also helps curb sugar cravings. Vitamin B6 deficiencies can give symptoms of confusion, depression, irritability and damage to the nerves in hands, feet, and arms. Thus, it is important to have vitamin B6 in your diet. However, it is important to note that too much vitamin B6 could lead to adverse effects. Make sure you don’t consume more than 100 mgs/day.

Some foods rich in vitamin B6 are oats, bananas, soya beans, peanuts and pork.

#6 Vitamin K

This vitamin found often in leafy greens – hence the nickname “vitamin Kale” – not only helps with proper blood clotting (if you’re taking anticoagulants, talk to your doc), but it’s important for bone density.

Food sources of vitamin K include the leafy greens (kale, chard, lettuce, spinach), cruciferous veggies (broccoli and Brussels sprouts), blueberries, blackberries and prunes. 

#7 Vitamin C

Vitamin C is really important to optimal health. In addition to the antioxidant and immune-boosting properties we all know and love, vitamin C may also help with bone density.

Food sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices (watch for excess added sugar), cantaloupe, kiwi, mango, papaya, berries and more. Veggies such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leafy greens, tomatoes, and potatoes.

#8 Omega 3s

Did you know that the leading killer of women in the US is heart disease. So we can’t afford to ignore our heart health.

After menopause, a woman’s levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) can start to rise. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the amount of LDL in the blood, resulting in less plaque and less chance of blockage. Studies have shown that boosting Omega-3s may also help reduce joint pain and ease symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness, hot flashes, and night sweats.

Omega-3s are found mainly in oily fish; vegetarian sources include tofu, flaxseed, walnuts, eggs, beans, some nuts and leafy vegetables.


#9 Curcumin

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can boost heart health and may even reduce depression, both of which are great benefits for women in menopause. Diabetes can also be a greater risk post-menopause, and curcumin may delay the onset of Type-2 among those with prediabetes. 

#10 Probiotics

Probiotics are supplements that contain live microbes to re-colonize the beneficial flora in your body. Not only can that help with digestive issues many women confront around this time (bloating, gas, constipation), probiotics can also support vaginal health by helping to fight yeast infections. 

Having a healthy gut is the foundation of good health – if you’re going to eat all that great, nutritious food, be sure you can digest it!

That’s 10 vitamins and minerals that you need to help you boost your health during menopause and relieve some menopause symptoms.

PS. If you are looking for an all-in-one supplement that tackles most of these essential vitamins and minerals, we have just the thing for you.

Introducing Provitalize

Provitalize is our #1 bestselling product that 240,000 women worldwide love for a reason.

Provitalize has3 thermogenic probiotics that restores your gut health, improves your digestion and immune system, helping you manage symptoms like bloating and unwanted weight gain.

It also has natural herbs like turmericandmoringa leaf, which gives your body phytoestrogens,effectively replenishing your estrogen levels in your body. Turmeric is rich in curcumin and moringa leaf is rich in vitamin C, providing you 2 of the 10 important vitamins mentioned above.

We’ve also addedabsorption boosters like piperine extract to boost the effectiveness of all the natural herbs and probiotics in Provitalize.


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