From what we’ve gathered from our lovely customers...
Most of them saw and felt benefits about 2 to 6 weeks after taking our supplements.
In other cases, it may take up to 90 days or slightly more for the FULL benefits to kick in.
To ensure you're on the right track to experience the benefits ASAP…
We’ve listed 5 factors that may affect the speed of results when taking our supplements:
Provitalize contains probiotics or “good bacteria” for your gut.
However, in some cases, the amount of “bad bacteria” in our gut may outnumber the “good bacteria”; which means it would take a longer time to correct the balance of bacteria in our digestive system (this is a symptom known as gut dysbiosis).
Previtalize — our prebiotic supplement can be added to your routine to increase the efficiency of the probiotics. It contains 5 “booster” prebiotic fiber, which acts as food for the probiotics in your gut. This accelerates their growth, which may help speed up results.
Avoiding dairy for the next 1 week should help you see quicker results as well. If you’re starting to see improvement after, consider replacing it with soy or almond milk instead.
We recommend you take 2 capsules EACH of Provitalize, Previtalizerespectively.
This might work better on an empty stomach or 30 minutes after eating; to avoid high levels of acidity in the stomach, increasing the survival rate of the probiotics (1 FULL cup of warm water with this is best).
If you're consuming inergyPLUS — our stimulant free energy supplement — we recommend taking 2 capsules in the morning just before leaving for work. You should enter the office/start your day calm, laser-focused and ready to handle daily pressures.
As advertised, it works great if you're looking to energize without caffeine.
However, if you’re a coffee drinker you should experience amplified alertness for longer periods of time with a much reduced/non-existent crash.
Pay attention to how you feel leading up to lunch.
You should be feeling confident and calm vs starving/anxious.
This is one of the BIG notable changes for many ladies.
We recommend you take 2 capsules of inergySLEEP — our all-natural sleep supplement. It works best when you take it 30 minutes before getting ready to sleep.
Nutritionists recommend a balanced diet as it provides a variety of vitamins, minerals, and dietary factors not found in supplements (like dietary fiber).
This allows us to have an abundant amount of “depending nutrients” which increases our body’s efficiency in absorbing the necessary ingredients from these supplements.
The fastest, most convenient way is to get a small punch of nutrients during a meal?
Grab a pack of roasted (non-salted) almond nuts and keep a few of them in your bag, especially useful should you be eating a “fast food type” meal with a low nutrition count. 🤤
Boring? We call it necessary! 💪
Any activity that burns energy is defined as “physical activity”. Examples are walking, gardening, swimming or even cycling.
Do your favorite ones for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week.
Many customers reported that thanks to the energy boost from Provitalize & inergyPLUS, they're able to start doing light physical activities once more.
It's also studied that physical activities may alter and improve gut & physical health by increasing our health-promoting bacteria and enzymes.
With an abundance of health-promoting bacteria and enzymes; we create a nurturing environment for our products- allowing the various natural ingredients and probiotic strains to work effectively.
Okay, this is a big one.
Usually when starting any new supplements, our bodies may need some time to adjust to the new ingredients we’re taking each and every day.
Therefore, our bodies tend to go through a “healing phase”, signaled by a temporary worsening of symptoms as the body expels toxins during the healing process.
According to our reviews, a small percentage of users experience some form of digestive side effect over a 2-3 day period. Now, if you do experience it yourself, do not panic.
Here’s what to do if you experience a healing phase:
If the situation improves, continue for 1 week.
If the situation does NOT improve, cut all inergyPLUS capsules and only take ONE Provitalize & ONE Previtalize capsule per day (morning, before breakfast as usual).
This will give your gut a lighter start, but you’ll start introducing the bacteria in a more gradual way (5-7 days).
Once it’s done, reintroduce the 6 capsule a day plan (as per normal) and observe for 7 days. You should see better results and start experiencing more intense benefits without previous issues.
Drinking plenty of water in between doses of supplements helps to improve the function of our lymphatic system- reducing the “healing crisis” phase.
Do note that if you’re on other medications while taking our supplements, check with your doctor first!
We have broken down the various reasons why our supplements might be taking a long time for a small percentage of customers, if you find yourself in this position, save this email so you can follow the instructions above…
Hope these tips work and give you awesome results like it helped these lovely women:
Feel free to drop us an email, if you have any further queries regarding our products.
Additionally, if you have any supplement routine that works wonders you, do share it with us so we can spread the love and knowledge with others too! 💗
Here is some love we received from our customer on Facebook recently!