5 Exercises That Will Help Ease Belly Bloat Naturally.

Hey good-looking, we hope you’re having a good day!

It’s me, Madison Young, back again this week for another one of our Workout Wednesdays!

Today, we’re going to help you manage your alcohol belly! 

Alcohol belly bloat is one of the most uncomfortable feelings you can have...

The excess gas that gets trapped in your body is a result of two things.

The first — is the carbonation alcoholic drinks like beer contains. The bubbles, if not released as burps or farts, can stay trapped in your gut, making it bloat like a balloon.

The second — the alcohol. Alcohol eliminates good bacteria in the gut, disrupting healthy gut balance. This causes the bad bacteria to feast on the yeast and create more gas.

What to do when your belly bloats?

It’s simple. Instead of heading to bed hoping to sleep off the excess gas…

What you should do is exercise!

One study found that during rest, a significant proportion of gas was retained in the gut…

On the other hand, retention was significantly lower during exercise! This means that if you want to get rid of bloating, you've got to get moving!

And to point you in the right direction, here are 5 Exercises That Will Help Trim Alcohol Belly:

Exercise #1: Plank

This exercise doesn’t just burn the fat around your abdomen area, it also helps improve posture, flexibility as well as a tighter tummy.

  • Ensure your elbows on the ground directly underneath your shoulders with your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Make sure your back is flat and your head and neck are in a neutral position. 
  • Drive your elbows into the floor, and squeeze your quads, glutes, and core
  • Hold this position for about a minute and then relax. Do this thrice.

Exercise #2: Bicycle Crunches

This exercise can help carve out a toned midsection when done with proper form. Be careful not to strain your neck when doing it.

  • Lie down on a mat and place your hands behind your head, gently supporting your head with your fingers without pulling. 
  • Bring your knee up to your chest, while rotating your upper body to meet your knee with the elbow of your opposite arm (see photo). 
  • The opposite leg will go straight out. Switch to the opposite side, “cycling” the legs. Do one to three sets of 12 to 16 repetitions each.

Exercise #3: Assisted Push Ups

If you can’t do a full push up, try this assisted push up variation. Doing push ups helps strengthen your core and upper body.

  • Start in push up position by placing your palms on the floor under your shoulders and knees on the floor. 
  • Tighten the core, stabilize your body and keep it straight. 
  • Now, bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. 
  • Keep your back straight. 
  • Then, engage your core and push yourself back up to the start position. Do three sets of 10 push ups.

Exercise #4: Lunges

You may not think of lunges as targeting your abs, but these exercises are very effective all-over body toners, especially for your “core” muscles. 

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then step forward into a lunge position. 
  • Make sure to keep your back knee about 3 inches off the ground. 
  • You can add small dumbbells for a little more intensity.

Exercise #5: Plank Jacks

Plank jacks not only work the core and rev up the heart rate, but the leg movement also adds some extra quad-strengthening work.

  • Start in a high plank with your palms flat on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked directly above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged.
  • Jump your feet out and in (like jumping jacks). 
  • Try not to let your butt and hips bounce up and down as you jump your feet in and out.
  • Continue for a full minute, rest, and repeat for 2 more sets.

Along with these exercises, here are some lifestyle tips!

For most people, going cold turkey and completely going off their favorite drinks may be too much to ask. 

  • For every beer you drink, have a glass of water: (Strictly water, sodas do not count). Spacing out your drinks will help control the volume of beer you drink, and it’ll keep you better hydrated.
  • Limit alcohol consumption to one day a week: It controls your intake while also ensuring you can enjoy yourself at a summer outing or holiday party. Just remember to not overdo it!
  • Take care of your gut: Rebalancing your gut with good bacteria — a.k.a probiotics, can help you manage bad bacteria and reduce bloating regularly.

PS: Want to know what kind of probiotics you should take to manage alcohol bloating & bolster gut health? 

Strains from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium family work well to improve gut health — strains like B.Lactis.

Studies have shown that B. Lactis helps to regulate the good microbes & probiotics in your gut and maintain a healthy gut flora, which is extremely helpful in preventing bloating.

That's why we've added B.Lactis and other beneficial strains of probiotics into Provitalize — our #1 best selling probiotic supplement: 

Introducing Provitalize

With a trio of probiotics that bolsters gut health, along with all-natural herbs that helps detoxify the body and promote hormonal balance...

Provitalize has helped over 687,000 women worldwide: 

  • Improve gut health
  • Prevent bloating
  • Replenish gut flora
  • Combat bad bacteria

...and many more!

Unsure About Provitalize?

We get it. 

It can be daunting to shell out for something that might not even work.

But with over 650,000 satisfied customers, we’re very confident in our products and the potential benefits they will bring to your menopausal journey...

So confident, that we’ve got a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy with our product after trying it out for 90 days- you just need to tell us & we will refund you 100%!

So, what have you got to lose? Try Provitalize and experience the life-changing benefits for yourself today!