When vaginal atrophy sets in, courtesy of menopause…
The declining estrogen levels causes thinning of the lining of the vagina — resulting in symptoms of dryness.
Although there are several medical prescription treatments to alleviate vaginal dryness...we believe that:
There are lots of ways that nutrition can help to address vaginal atrophy and dryness.
Eating the right foods may even aid in producing additional vaginal lubrication!
So, let’s get into it, shall we?
Here are the foods to eat and avoid — to help you reverse the effects of vaginal atrophy:
Vitamin C is key for improving vaginal health because the body uses it to produce collagen, which gives vaginal tissue its elasticity.
A good way to get more vitamin C into your diet is to start doubling your daily consumption of vegetables.
Vegetables, like red pepper, contain about twice as much vitamin C per 100g as an orange, and broccoli, cabbage & kale are all great options too.
Fresh parsley is also packed with vitamin C, so adding a tablespoon to your salads or sprinkling over cooked vegetables will add a big boost to your diet.
Foods rich in vitamin C: citrus fruit, peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants, broccoli, brussels sprouts, potatoes
Applying lubrication is great for fighting back against vaginal dryness!
However, the lubrication needs to come from the inside as well as the outside if you want your vagina to stay in great shape.
Which is why essential fatty acids like omega-3 are important to your diet because they act as natural lubricants and support the integrity of our cell membranes, ensuring that they retain the water which keeps them plump and elastic.
Foods rich in fatty acid: salmon, mackerel, oysters, herring, sardines, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, soybean.
The isoflavones found in soya are phytoestrogens which are plant compounds that mimic the effect of estrogen in the body.
So, filling up on phytoestrogens can help to relieve vaginal atrophy symptoms like dryness by replenishing estrogen levels in the body.
Opting for fermented soya products like miso, tempeh or natto is likely to be more beneficial than processed soya products like milk or yoghurt. Other sources of phytoestrogens include lentils, chickpeas, fennel and flax seed, so rotating these throughout the week might make a material difference to your symptoms.
Foods rich in phytoestrogen: soy beans, tofu, tempeh, soy beverages, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, wheat, berries, oats, barley, dried beans, lentils, rice, alfalfa, mung beans, apples, carrots, wheat germ, ricebran, and soy linseed bread
Okay, this isn’t really a food, but our skin needs plenty of water to retain its elasticity and our vaginal tissues are no exception.
If they’re deprived of water, this will contribute to the atrophy that causes the dryness and itching that can be so uncomfortable.
The amount of water we need will vary, depending on age, build, level of physical activity and the temperature of the environment, but the equivalent of about 6-8 glasses of water is probably about right for most people. If you’re finding it hard to drink that much, here are some foods high in water content you can munch on.
Foods high in water content: cucumber, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, melon, broccoli, brussel sprouts, oranges, apples, blueberries
Because hormonal imbalance is also a reason for vaginal dryness, eating foods that are a good source of fibre is necessary.
Fibre helps balance hormones, and removes used estrogens from the body fibre content, and in turn keep your vagina healthy and well lubricated.
Foods rich in fibre: pears, avocados, raspberries, apples, strawberries, bananas, carrots, beets, broccoli, artichoke, oats, almonds, sweet potatoes, wholegrains
We all know that eating too much sugar isn’t good for us, but here’s another great reason to keep your lips off that can of soda!
Refined sugar ages the skin — and in excess it can lead to a process called glycation, which degrades the collagen in our tissues and causes the skin to become slack and wrinkly.
So, be good to your vagina and limit your intake of sweet biscuits, cake and confectionery and sodas
PS: Although these foods are full of beneficial nutrients, preparing them daily can take up a chunk of your time.
So, if you want a way to introduce phytoestrogen, the Food to eat #3 in our article, into your diet...
We have a faster and more effective manner for you to get your fill of phytoestrogens daily, helping you maintain hormonal balance and keeping vaginal atrophy symptoms at bay:
The Slim Gut PLUS — contains 3 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Radiancy + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:
Contains 3 phytoestrogen — like Moringa Leaf, Curcumin & Curry Leaf Extract, which are potent plant-based compounds that mimic estrogen activity in the body, naturally replenishing hormonal levels & keeping vaginal atrophy at bay.
Contains 6 probiotics strains — L.Gasseri, L.Reuteri, L.Lactis, B.Coagulans, B.Breve, B.Lactis, which are beneficial bacteria that helps improve vaginal health and reduce the symptoms of vaginal atrophy like discomfort & itching.
The prebiotics we’ve included in this bundle help boost the efficacy of the 6 unique probiotic strains.
And when taken together, our Slim Gut PLUS not only provides women with the natural support they need to not only replenish their estrogen levels normally, but also helps ease and provide relief from vaginal atrophy symptoms.
This makes the Slim Gut PLUSthe absolute must-havefor any woman trying to improve their vaginal health, and ease the symptoms of vaginal atrophy.
Here are some reviews from our customers about how the Slim Gut PLUS helped them with their menopausal symptoms:
- Lacey P, ✅Verified Buyer
So, if you want to enjoy benefits like Lacey P, and replenish your hormones naturally — keeping menopausal symptoms like vaginal atrophy at bay, try our Slim Gut PLUS bundle today!