This Superherb Helped Women Manage Hot Flashes For 2000 Years

Dong Quai. What Exactly Is It?

Dong Quai (Angelica Sinensis) grows at high altitudes in the cold, damp, mountains of China, Korea, and Japan.

This fragrant plant — a member of the celery family — has smooth purplish stems and umbrella-shaped clusters of white flowers and winged fruits in July and August.

The most valuable part, however, lies in it’s yellow-brown thick-branched roots that are used as medicine.

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How Does Dong Quai Help With Hot Flashes?

Hot flashes — one of the most notorious menopausal symptoms — is caused by the drop in hormone levels during menopause.

The sudden dip in estrogen & progesterone affects the hypothalamus, the area of the brain which regulates the body’s internal temperature.

The hypothalamus is very sensitive to hormonal changes, so whenever your hormonal levels drop, it goes haywire and tricks the body into thinking it’s too hot — which causes a hot flash to try to cool you down by sweating off the heat.

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Dong Quai has been researched to help with hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms because of it’s phytoestrogenic properties — which promotes hormonal balance naturally.

Need something with a little more ‘oomph’ for intense hot flashes & night sweats?

Then Dong Quai might not be enough. You need a blend of herbs including Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Valerian Root and Holy Basil.

In fact, a study gave an herbal blend containing Dong Quai & Black Cohosh to 25 women, 47% said their hot flashes disappeared, compared with 19% in a placebo group.

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These powerful herbs, when combined, can provide fast & effective hot flash relief, which you can find our Hot Flash Bundle — our #1 Bundle for combating hot flashes & night sweats:

PS. Combining the multiple healthful herbs from Provitalize & our best selling natural sleep aid, inergySLEEP, we’ve created the ultimate bundle for managing hot flashes & night sweats:

Introducing the Hot Flash Bundle!

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The Hot Flash Bundle contains a special blend of ingredients specially formulated to help women:

  • Combat hot flashes
  • Manage night sweats
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Rebalance hormonal levels

Just by taking 2 capsules of Provitalize & 1 capsule of inergySLEEP each day, you too, can experience these benefits:

1. Reduced hot flash intensity
2. Lesser hot flash & night sweats
3. Replenish hormonal levels
4. Better weight management
5. Reduced stubborn fat accumulation
6. Better quality sleep
7. Increased energy levels
8. Reduced Inflammation
9. Better gut health

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Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about our Hot Flash Bundle and how it helped manage their hot flashes:

“The best ever I’m a different women”
“This product has changed my life. Hot Flash Bundle has stopped all my hot flashes and night sweats I’ve been having for 8 years. I was having 20-30 hot flashes a day and waking up soaking wet even with the window open at -10 in Northern British Columbia. It even helped me take some weight off and gave me more energy.
- Donna G,Verified Buyer
“Night Sweat Relief!”
“I was very skeptical after the first week, because nothing happened. I was having horrible, horrible night sweats, sleeping one hour at a time at night and waking up in a pool of sweat..It was horrible. Then in about three weeks,I noticed that I was sleeping, and only waking up one or two times a night! I’m going to order another bundle and I can’t wait to see my further results!”

- Theresa T,Verified Buyer.
So, if you’re dealing with hot flashes and want them gone, like how Donna & Theresa got rid of theirs...
Why not give our Hot Flash Bundle a try and experience the benefits firsthand today!
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