Get rid of flabby arms quickly with these workouts

Why do “wings” tend to appear on aging women who gain weight?

Well, it’s been proven that as we age, we tend to lose lean muscle and gain fat, usually around the waist, thighs and the behind.

But the underarms are another area that

Muscle mass is lost, fat accumulates and voila:

Wings appear out of thin air.

Having wings can make the arms feel heavier and look bigger than it actually is.

Not only that, dressing the way you want might be troublesome as well.

Clothes with a snug fit might feel tighter around the arms

So exactly how can ladies deal with their wings?

With these 7 arm-centric workouts designed to tone the arms!

Our 7 workouts today are split into 3.

  1. Exercises without equipment
  2. Exercises with resistance band
  3. Exercises with weights

This is so that anyone can start their “wing-free” journey, be it at home or at the gym!

Grab a towel and let’s start:

Exercises without equipment

#1: Tricep Pushups

This is probably anyone’s go-to strength exercise. It targets a large number of muscle groups and is especially beneficial for your core muscles. 

But tricep pushups are slightly different, as it targets the triceps. Basically, you should perform the same way as you do standard push ups, but it is important to focus on the position of your arms. 

Step 1: Place your palms right under your shoulders, and pull your arms in as close to your sides as you can. Your elbows should be pointed back. Make sure to keep your shoulders stable and your core muscles tight. It is important to keep this position constantly while performing the exercise. 

Step 2: Now lower your body until your arm forms a 90-degree angle, and get back to the starting position.

Note: You should repeat this for 2-3 sets, 10-15 reps per set. Do take a 30-60 second pause between the sets.

#2: Tricep Dips

To perform this exercise, you need a chair or a bench. 

Step:1 Sit on a chair. While gripping the edge of the chair, slightly lift your body and take several steps forward. Make sure to keep your knees at a 90-degree angle to the floor and hip-width apart. 

So, your body is in a seated position, but your arms are slightly behind your core and your glutes are off the chair. 

Step 2: Now bend your elbows and slowly lower your body, make a 1-second pause and get back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
Note: You should repeat this for 2-3 sets, 10-15 reps per set. Do take a 30-60 second pause between the sets.

#3: Plank

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more popular and effective exercise.

Planking helps to train all major muscle groups and doesn’t take much time.

Step 1: Begin in the plank position, face down with your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows are directly under your shoulders and your forearms are facing forward. Your head is relaxed and you should be looking at the floor.

Step 2: Engage your abdominal muscles, drawing your navel toward your spine. Keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight line from ears to toes with no sagging or bending. This is the neutral spine position. Ensure your shoulders are down, not creeping up toward your ears. Your heels should be over the balls of your feet.

Step 3: Hold this position for 10 seconds. Release to the floor.

Note: Avoid arching your back, sagging your hips and tilting your head to maximize your efforts and prevent injury.

Exercises with resistance band:

#4: Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

This exercise will train not only your arms, but your abs as well. 

Step 1: Take a resistance band and stand on its middle with one foot. Grab its ends with one hand and lift this arm. Your hand should be behind your head and your elbow should be pointed toward the ceiling. 

Step 2: Pulling the band, extend your arm fully and slowly lower it back. That’s one rep

Note:Repeat this for 10 - 20 repetitions.

#5: Banded Tricep Kickback

To perform this workout, you should fixate one end of your resistance band on a stable object at waist height. 

Step 1: Grab the band with one hand with your palm facing inward. Now you should take a couple of steps back and slightly bend your knees. Bend forward at your waist. Make sure to keep your back straight. There should be tension in the band. 

Step 2: Keep your elbows close to your sides and fully extend your arm with the band behind you. Make a 1-second pause and get back to the starting position
Note:Repeat this for 10 - 20 repetitions.

Exercises with weights:

#6: Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

This exercise will help you tone your arms and shoulders. You need two dumbbells to perform it. 

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart.  Grab dumbbells in each hand. Your palms should be facing the floor. 

Step 2:Now you should raise your arms in front of your body. Keep the weights at shoulder height. Then extend your arms to the side to form a letter T with your body. Lower your arms to the sides. That’s one rep

Note:Repeat this for 10 - 20 repetitions.

#7: Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

This workout is perfect for your triceps. You need a dumbbell to perform it. 

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the dumbbell with both your hands above your head. It should also be slightly behind your head. Bend your elbows and lower the dumbbell. 

Step 2: Then straighten your arms to lift the weights above your head again. Bend your arms to lower the dumbbell. That’s one rep.

Note:Repeat this for 10 - 20 repetitions.

PS. Exercising to shed those “wings” and get toned arms can take some serious time and effort.

Especially for aging women who have to deal with menopause induced weight gain.

But thankfully, we got just the bundle to help give your workouts a boost so you can say goodbye to those flabby arms:

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!

    The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:

    • Boost metabolism
    • Reduce stubborn fat
    • Manage cravings
    • Support healthy weight management
    • Maintain a healthier gut
    • Soothe bloating
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Keeping weight gain and menopausal symptoms at bay

    #1 Provitalize

    Contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, which mimics the effects of exercise in the gut, which helps boost metabolism and calorie loss. Also helps curb weight gain by keeping gut bacteria balanced, effectively keeping sugar cravings at bay.

    Also contains natural phytoestrogens like — curcumin, morning and curry leaf that helps balance hormonal levels, keeping pesky menopausal symptoms like weight gain and host flashes at bay.

    #2 Previtalize

    Our flagship prebiotic supplement which contains 5 effective and natural ingredients — Fructooligosaccharides, Inulin, GOS (Galacto-oligosaccharides), Burdock Root and XOS (Xylooligosaccharides)

    XOS in particular, is exceptionally powerful in supporting the reduction of fat absorption, making sure the weight you shed stays off!

    Besides supporting the reduction of fat absorption, it has also the added benefits of supporting better digestion.

    And when taken together,Provitalize and  Previtalize can help better your gut health naturally and effectively, and boost digestion to reduce bloating.

    Provitalize shines the brightest when taken together with  Previtalize

    The prebiotics in Previtalize help boost the efficacy of the unique probiotic strains found in Provitalize.

    This makes the  Slim Gut Bundle the absolute  must-have for any women trying to improve their digestion, reduce bloating and improve their gut health!