Many menopausal women are left counting sheep night after night.
Amy is one of them, and with an average sleep time of 4-5 hours a night (sometimes as little as 2)...
She could hardly function during the day — not to mention the sleep deprivation is starting to take a toll on her body.
Her skin became more haggard, and dark circles started to appear beneath her eyes.
The main reason is because of hormonal changes. During menopause, the body’s estrogen levels decrease — causing a change to sleeping habits.
Because estrogen is a hormone vital for sleep, and other factors that affect sleep like body temperature & mood — the drop in estrogen may make falling and staying asleep almost impossible.
Constant hormonal supplementation.
By supplementing the body with the hormones it needs to maintain balance, be it in the form of HRT, or through a natural diet rich in phytoestrogens (plant-based hormones that mimic estrogen)…
Your sleeping habits will return to normal, and the insomnia (and night sweats) that keeps you up at night will be kept at bay!
PS: So, if you’re looking to rebalance your hormones naturallyand keep menopausal insomnia at bay, we’ve got just the thing for you:
Our Menokit PLUS Bundle (Provitalize + Previtalize + inergyPLUS + inergySLEEP) contains 4 of our most popular supplements designed to:
Contains 3 natural phytoestrogenic herbs — that helps you rebalance your hormonal levels naturally, keeping meno-symptoms like insomnia & night sweats at bay.
Contains 3 unique probiotic strains — beneficial bacteria that has beneficial effects on sleep quality. By keeping the gut healthy, the body creates more serotonin & melatonin, both crucial hormones for sleep.
Contains 5 effective and natural prebiotics capable of boosting the performance of probiotics, giving you faster and better results.
Contains 7 key herbs & nutrients that work to support mental and physical health — including Rhodiola, a natural herb that decreases stress, fights fatigue and improves sleep quality.
Contains 13 herbs, minerals & amino acids that work together in synergy to enable restful and regenerative sleep — including GABA, an amino acid that decreases the time it takes to fall asleep and increases total sleep efficiency.
Check out what our lovely customer have to say about how the Menokit PLUS helped her with her insomnia:
“This really works for my insomnia!”
“I tried everything under the sun for my insomnia before finding the Provitalize.
After using it for a few months, I noticed a great deal of improvement in my meno-symptoms. I upgraded to the Menokit PLUS and together they made my hot flashes and night sweats disappear! I sleep better, I feel better...and I owe it all to these products!”
- Michelle, ✅ Verified Buyer
So if you want to experience the same benefits Michelle, and 500,000 other women... don’t hesitate and give our Menokit a try now!