Say Good Bye to Unwanted Facial Hair.

Peach fuzz might sound cute...

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But it can morph into unwanted stray hairs that can be annoying to see & deal with.

Just like men, women have hair follicles all over their faces. However, for most women, these follicles grow tiny, soft hairs — called vellus hair, that are barely noticeable. 

However, during menopause…

A woman’s body stops circulating estrogen but continues to circulate the same amounts of testosterone. 

And it’s this imbalance of hormones that causes the fuzzy vellus hairs to morph into terminal hairs — the longer, thicker, and deeper rooted hairs we have to bust out the tweezers for. 

And although this is a totally natural process that happens to women during major hormonal changes... 

However, for some, having peach fuzz or stray hairs can be bothersome or uncomfortable.

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And if you belong in that group...

We’re here to help! If you want to completely eliminate the possibility of having stray hairs forming from peach fuzz... 

We’ve compiled some options, recommended by professional dermatologists, that you can choose for peach fuzz removal: 

Option #1: Waxing

Waxing may be a familiar process for your eyebrows or your nether regions... 

But did you know this method of hair removal could also be used for peach fuzz on your face?  

Whether you use an at-home kit or head to the salon, the process is pretty standard.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): 

- First, melted wax is applied to the area, then given time to cool and harden. 

- Next, said wax is quickly pulled off in the opposite direction, removing hair from the root in the process.  

Option #2: Sugaring

Sugaring is almost nearly identical waxing, and can be used to remove peach fuzz at the root.  

The major difference with sugaring and waxing is — the paste doesn't stick to the top layer of skin. Instead, it adheres to hair and dead skin cells so there's less risk of hair breakage and skin irritation. 

Rather than using traditional wax, this hair removal method includes slathering sugar wax on the area to remove any hair, including peach fuzz.  

Per the FDA, a melted sugar mixture is applied to the hair and fabric is placed on top, then ripped away once cooled.

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Option #3: Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a trendy facial method for removing dead skin and peach fuzz.

A dermatome, which looks like a tiny electric scalpel, is used to remove the surface layer of your skin, and, in the process, peach fuzz on your face is removed, too. 

Option #4: Threading

Another hair removal technique you’re likely familiar with, threading can be used to remove peach fuzz on your face, too. 

The FDA states this process involves using a loop of thread to pluck the hair from your skin. 

Option #5: Bleaching

While not quite a hair removal method, many people opt to bleach their peach fuzz rather than get rid of it completely.  

This is especially the case for those with dark hair who deal with more prominent peach fuzz on their face. By using a bleach that’s safe for your face, you can lighten your peach fuzz so that it’s even less visible.

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Option #6: Hair Removal Cream

Hair removal creams are another popular option for removing peach fuzz. 

Known as depilatories, the FDA explains that hair removal creams, gels, and lotions affect the protein structure of hair, causing peach fuzz to dissolve and be easily wiped away. 

Option #7: Shaving

Is it okay to shave peach fuzz? Yes! 

Just as men often opt to shave their facial hair, you can do the same with unwanted peach fuzz. 

Rather than reaching for the same razor you use on your legs, opt for a gentler option by using a small, electric razor specifically meant for use on your face.

And no, according to the Mayo Clinic, hair removal won’t cause your hair to grow back thicker, darker, or faster. Phew!

577 Leads Img 2.2PS. These options we have included in our article are indeed helpful in removing the peach fuzz & stray hairs!

However, they are just a temporary solution...

If you don’t dive into the root of the problem... 

Which is the hormonal imbalance that activates the peach fuzz to turn into their thicker & more annoying cousin — the terminal hairs... 

The peach fuzz will grow back, and will morph into those unwanted stray hairs once again.

So, if you want to rebalance your hormones naturally, we’ve got a solution for you.

With a mix of phytoestrogens, probiotics & prebiotics, that can be found in our:

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!

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The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:

  • Replenish hormones
  • Prevent hot flashes
  • Manage weight gain
  • Improve gut health
  • Ease mood swings
  • Keep menopausal symptoms at bay

Contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, each of them capable of not only boosting your metabolism & calorie burn-rate, but also helps with recycling the hormones in your body.

Contains 3 natural phytoestrogenic herbs — like moringa, curcumin & curry leaf, that mimics the effects of estrogen when ingested. With the help of these 3 herbs, you can naturally rebalance your hormonal levels. 

Contains 5 effective and natural prebiotics that are capable of boosting the performance of thermogenic probiotics. 

And that’s where the probiotic & prebiotic combo works it’s magic. 

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The estrogen in your body is activated and regulated by the estrobolome — a collection of bacteria in the gut.

And by feeding it healthy probiotics — like L.Gasseri, B.Breve & B.Lactis, and nutrients like prebiotics, the estrobolome will be kept healthy, helping restore estrogenic balance to the body.

This ensures the body maintains its hormonal balance, keeping pesky menopausal symptoms like peach fuzz & unwanted hairs at bay.

Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Slim Gut bundle helped them with their menopause symptoms:

“Feeling great! Woohoo!”

“I started on the Slim Gut about 3 weeks ago. I am extremely impressed with the product. I am 63 years old and was having severe menopausal symptoms. The hot flashes are almost none, can't tell you when I had night sweats recently, great night's sleep, unwanted hair growths are gone now, and many others.
I do not normally endorse a product, but I have told several of my friends about this and one of them actually ordered it the other day. I would give this product a great review, and recommend it to try.
- Laura M, ✅  Verified Buyer

“The Slim Gut Bundle works!”

“I was skeptical about more products to buy but so glad I did! 
They have helped me so much!

My menopausal symptoms were cut in half and more!! I was able to sleep better, had better digestion, and less unwanted facial fuzz! All around great products will be ordering again and again! Thank you!”
- Renee M, ✅  Verified Buyer
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So if you’re interested in giving Slim Gut Bundle a try, now’s the best time because:

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