Simple Activities That Increase Fat Burn Naturally.

Inactivity is a silent danger for many women...

Especially if they’re going through menopause, where hormonal weight gain runs rampant.

When going through menopause, women are often too tired to stay active, due to the hormonal changes that are happening in their bodies.

Soon they start sitting and lying down most of the time, with a bowl of snacks in hand, binge watching shows for most of the day…

After time, this sedentary way of life can and will speed up hormonal weight gain, making it easier to put on weight, but way harder to lose.

Why are women not exercising?

Many find it difficult because age-related issues and health conditions make it hard to stay active. 

In a study of menopausal women, over 64% had a sedentary lifestyle. 16% of these had more severe menopausal symptoms compared to the women who stayed active.

This sedentary lifestyle, can cause even more detrimental health issues for menopausal women, like:

  • Mood Disorders — staying active helps keep your mood up, which means that it may be even more important for seniors who are prone to depression or are experiencing memory issues to stay active.
  • Daily Activities Get Harder — the body begins to lose lean muscle mass when it is not regularly getting enough physical activity. This can lead to even more difficulty performing daily activities like dressing, bathing, and even eating.
  • Rapid Bone Loss — menopausal women are at a higher risk of bone loss because of the drop in estrogen, which protects the bones. When they also live a very sedentary lifestyle, this can cause even more bone loss.

To prevent all that from happening...

We would like you to join us in completing 36 miles in 21 days

We know 36 miles seems daunting at first, but if you start slow and increase the distance you walk every time your body gets accustomed, it’s going to be a breeze for you!

By the way, 21 days is just a guideline! 

If you feel like you need to take more time, do take it slower and do it at your own pace. Remember, staying active is a marathon, not a race.

To get you started this week, we will be sharing tips on how you can walk safe and walk smart, if you prefer walking over swimming & cycling:

(Important tip: See your doctor for a medical check-up before embarking on any new fitness program, particularly if you are overweight, haven’t exercised in a long time or suffer from a chronic medical condition.)

Tip #1: Don’t Forget To Warm Up

Always warm up before doing physical activity. Start slowly and do a few warm-up exercises and stretches first. Don’t walk immediately after a big meal.

Tip #2: Build activity slowly 

You don’t have to force yourself to start strong. Start with a 20 minute walk then increase gradually. Make sure you try to walk at least three times per week.

Tip #3: Always Keep Track 

It’s important to keep track of how far you’ve walked, to serve as a motivation and to see what your limits are so you can push past them!

Tip #4: Use the correct technique 

Walk at a steady pace, swing your arms freely and stand as straight as you can. Your feet should step in a rolling action from the heel to the toe.

Tip #5: Shoes and socks 

Footwear is extremely important! Wearing thick comfortable cotton socks, along with sensible, comfortable and lightweight shoes with support are best.

Tip #6: Weather 

Wear suitable warm, light clothing in the winter and cool, comfortable clothes in the summer. Don’t forget your sunscreen and hat.

Tip #7: Water 

It’s important to drink water before and after your walk. Bring along a bottle of water with you on your walk, especially in warm weather.

Tip #8: Cool down 

Make sure you cool down after a long fast walk. Do a few stretching exercises before you start sitting down.

Tip #9: Be Aware of your Surroundings

Plan to walk during the daytime or in well-lit areas in the evenings. Keep an eye out for uneven surfaces, possible obstacles, and other tripping hazards.

PS. Want to stay trim, fit, and look absolutely stunning while going through menopause?

Our Slim Gut Bundle has all the help you need to start shedding menopausal weight fast and naturally!

Slim Gut Bundle harnesses the power of thermogenic probiotics — special strains of bacteria that increases your metabolism & reduces stubborn weight gain by generating heat in the gut.

Along with prebiotic fibres that act as food & nutrients for the thermogenic probiotics, helping them grow and propagate faster in the gut, giving faster and better weight loss results:

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!


With a trio of thermogenic probiotics that helps improve metabolism & calorie burn-rate, and prebiotics to boost the efficiency of the probiotics...

The Slim Gut Bundle is specially formulated to help women:

  • Increase calorie-burn rate 
  • Reduce stubborn fat
  • Shed unwanted weight
  • Reduce hormonal weight gain

… and many more!

Don’t Believe Us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Slim Gut bundle helped them with their weight management:

“Feeling lighter & more energized!”
“I started gaining weight when I turned 40, and I struggled to lose it even after eating healthy and regular vigorous exercise like I’ve done in the past. Nothing seems to work. Ran across the Slim Gut in a facebook ad and I thought I’d give it a try. I am happy with what I am seeing, I’m finally losing weight and I have enough energy to workout more. I am looking forward to continuing this product.”
- Rachael K, ✅  Verified Buyer

So, if you want to enjoy the benefits Rachael did, and finally shed the stubborn weight off while keeping menopausal weight gain at bay...

Try our Slim Gut Bundle and experience the benefits for yourself today!