Tips To Crush Your Weight Loss Goals.

Most people have trouble keeping to their new year’s resolution to lose weight. 

That’s because most of them don’t have a clue on exactly how to reach it. They’re only hoping and wishing that the weight will magically come off, without having to put in the work.

It’s harsh, but someone’s gotta say it!

The main reasons why resolutions to lose weight tend to fail, is because:

  • Lack of planning
  • Lack of motivation & support
  • Unrealistic goal
  • Poor setback management

Infact, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail within the first year, 20% of resolutions are broken within the first week of January alone!

Instead of losing the weight they promised they would lose, many go on to do the opposite, gaining weight that makes reaching their goals that much harder

Now, if you’re truly serious about losing weight...

We got your back! 

We’ve compiled tips from athletes, personal trainers and everyday people who have stuck to their diet and lifestyle, and successfully lost weight.

Just stick to these 5 tips that will help you keep to your goals and we’re sure you can finally reach your weight goals. Just imagine how sweet it would be!

Here’s how you can do just that:

Tip #1: Make a Plan and Keep It

“By Failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

Having a plan and keeping to it is very important if you wish to achieve your weight goals. We know it’s very cliché, but it truly makes the difference between those that have reached their weight goals, and those that fail to do so.

Whether the plan is to walk 7,000 steps a day, or it's to drag yourself to the gym, sticking to your plan will help you reach your workout goals in a timely fashion.

Tip #2: Muscle Up!

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn when resting.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to go all Schwarzenegger and start lifting weights! Another way you can start building muscle is by doing resistance training. 

Resistance training using tools like your body weight, resistance bands and medicine balls is a great way to not only build muscle, but sculpt and re-shape your body with lean muscle.

The best way to start building muscle is with a resistance training workout three times per week. Don’t forget to consume protein — in the form of a shake or a hard-boiled egg — within 45 minutes of ending your workout to maximize muscle building!

Tip #3: Fill Up On Water

When you start working out more, your body needs more fluids to replace the minerals and nutrients you lost while sweating profusely. 

A great combo drink that will be sure to hydrate is half coconut water and half water. The coconut water — or other sports drink — contains electrolytes and the water hydrates your body.

Also, a good rule of thumb to know how much water you need daily is to take your current weight, divide in half and the number you are left with is the amount of ounces you need to consume per day to be hydrated. 

For example, a 150 pound woman would need to consume about 75 ounces of water (around 9 cups) per day.

Tip #4: Resist Your Cravings

Don’t give in to your cravings, ever! You can have your time with it when you reach your weight goals, but just hold it in for now.

Cravings can be an indicator of something bigger as well, like a lack of certain nutrients in your diet. It could be a sign that you're thirsty or tired. 

So before you reach for the cookie jar, try drinking a glass of water and see if it helps. Often, when your body is not properly hydrated, the symptoms can manifest themselves in the form of cravings.

Tip #5: Go Crazy And Have Fun!

There is no written rule that exercise has to be a snoozefest.

Most people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off know that exercise should be fun. Work out by doing what you love. 

If you love dance, Zumba is a great way to get your blast of cardio. If you seek a challenging workout that involves interval training and resistance workouts, then an outdoor boot camp is for you.

As long as you keep looking for fun ways to exercise, you will eventually find one that you love!

PS. If you want to finally cross out that new year's resolution to reach your weight goal, our Slim Gut Bundle is the solution you need!

Our Slim Gut Bundle is specially designed to be the ultimate natural weight loss companion. 

Slim Gut Bundle contains thermogenic probiotics — special strains of good bacteria that mimic the effects of exercise by generating heat in the gut, which increases your metabolism & reduces stubborn weight gain

Along with prebiotic fibres that act as food as the thermogenic probiotics, which gives them the nutrients it needs to grow and propagate faster in the gut, giving faster and better weight loss results:

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!

With a trio of thermogenic probiotics that helps improve metabolism & calorie burn-rate, and prebiotics to boost the efficiency of the probiotics...

The Slim Gut Bundle is specially formulated to help women:

  • Increase calorie-burn rate 
  • Reduce stubborn fat
  • Shed unwanted weight
  • Reduce hormonal weight gain

… and many more!

Don’t Believe Us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Slim Gut bundle helped them with their weight management:

“Feeling lighter & more energized!”
“I started gaining weight when I turned 40, and I struggled to lose it even after eating healthy and regular vigorous exercise like I’ve done in the past. Nothing seems to work. Ran across the Slim Gut in a facebook ad and I thought I’d give it a try. I am happy with what I am seeing, I’m finally losing weight and I have enough energy to workout more. I am looking forward to continuing this product.”
- Rachael K, ✅  Verified Buyer

So, if you want to enjoy the benefits Rachael did, and finally shed the stubborn weight off while keeping menopausal weight gain at bay...

Try our Slim Gut Bundle and experience the benefits for yourself today!