Osteoporosis is a condition that is rather common for menopausal women.
That’s because estrogen protects against bone loss and strengthens bones.
When estrogen levels decrease during menopause, your risk for osteoporosis greatly increases.
However, new research has shown that yoga can actually help stave off fractures and prevent osteoporosis.
Yoga may also help reverse or stall the bone-weakening effects that come with age
Are you ready to find out what exercises can do this?
Here goes:
Stand in Tadasana. Bend your right knee and rotate your right thigh outward without turning your pelvis. Lift your right foot and place it above the ankle or knee of your left leg (but not against the knee itself). Bring palms in front of your chest.
From a wide stance, rotate your left leg so your foot and knee turn out 90 degrees. Lengthen your torso over your left leg. Place your left hand on your left shin, the floor, or a block. Stretch your right arm up.
From a wide stance, rotate your left leg so that your foot and knee turn out 90 degrees. Bend your left knee over your left heel. Reach your arms actively out to your sides at shoulder height.
From Warrior II, lengthen your torso and lower your left forearm onto your left thigh. Reach your right arm up and over your right ear. Stretch from your right outer heel through your fingertips.
Lie face-down on your mat with your arms alongside your torso. Lift your chest forward and up as you raise your legs and stretch them out behind you. Lift your upper body and legs without straining, streaming your arms along your torso.
Lie on your back with knees bent, heels in line with your knees. Press into your feet as you lift your hips and torso. With your arms extended, interlace your fingers and come onto your outer shoulders.
Lie on your back. Hook a strap around the ball of your left foot; hold an end of the strap in each hand. Straighten your left leg, drawing it up toward the ceiling without lifting your left sitting bone.
From Supta Padangusthasana I, hold both ends of the strap in your right hand. Keep the left side of your body grounded as you extend your right leg out to the right side and lower it toward the floor.
Lie on your back with legs hip-distance apart, heels under your knees. Press your shoulder blades into the floor. Rest your hands on your lower belly. Stretch each leg out in front and let each foot fall open. Open each arm, palms turned up.
Bend the right knee, inhale and bring the left outer elbow on the outside of the right outer knee and twist the upper body and go into Marichyasana C or Sage Marichi Pose. Here in this pose, the twisting of the torso flexing the shoulders, neck and hips, opens up blockages at the base of the spine. Remain here for about 2 breaths, and if the left elbow is difficult to place at the knee, then holding the right thigh within the left arms is good enough. Release and stretch the legs out relaxing for a few breaths.
I hope these 10 yoga poses will help you strengthen your bones and keep osteoporosis at bay
PS. Want an additional way to reduce your osteoporosis risk instead of these yoga exercises? We’ve got just the thing for you…
OurMenokit PLUS bundle consists of our best selling supplement,Provitalize, whichcontains the phytoestrogenic herb rich in vitamin E, Moringa. Our bundle also includesinergySLEEP, which has Black Cohosh, the most popular natural remedy for keeping hot flashes at bay.
Together, Moringa and Black Cohosh can work hand in hand to make sure hot flashes are kept at bay, and you can enjoy your golden years to the fullest, without any uncomfortable sweating.
These combinations of herbs and probiotics help make sure your gut health is at its best, helping you manage menopause symptoms as well as improve your bone health.
Benefits of Provitalize
Benefits of inergySLEEP
But that's not all! Our Menokit PLUS bundle also containsPrevitalize, our prebiotics which helps keep the gut healthy, &inergyPLUS, our natural energy booster that provides you with the energy you need to get through the day without feeling fatigued or lethargic.
Benefits of Previtalize
Benefits of inergyPLUS
Together, these 4 supplements form ourMenokit PLUS, the ultimate bundle for women dealing with the symptoms ageing and hormonal changes.
Our supplements work together synergistically to help replenish your vitamin E levels, while also rebalancing hormonal levels, effectively preventing pesky menopausal symptoms from happening, like hot flashes, night sweats and many more!