inergySLEEP | Best Natural Sleep Support

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Health Benefits

Today’s world is marked by rampant sleep deprivation. This epidemic is caused by many different factors: nutritional deficiencies, a dysregulated circadian rhythm, high levels of stress and overexposure to stimulants, an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, and many others.

Now, most natural sleep aids on the market only target one or two of these causes. Usually, they are weak, watered down formulas that show hardly any improvement compared to a placebo.

With inergySLEEP, we want to take a different approach. That’s why we’ve created a powerful formula that contains thirteen different herbs, minerals and amino acids, that target a wide range of biochemical pathways and work together in synergy to enable restful and regenerative sleep.

Because of that, inergySLEEP is able to tackle sleep deprivation in a scientifically proven, holistic way, making a good night’s sleep unavoidable.

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inergySLEEP works by:

  • resetting your circadian rhythm
  • targeting adenosine receptors to induce natural sleep
  • increasing GABA in the brain, putting you into a relaxed and calm state
  • decreasing cortisol levels, thereby making you less stressed
  • increasing REM and slow wave sleep, improving the quality of your sleep
  • covering common mineral deficiencies that interfere with proper sleep
  • neutralizing the sleep-disrupting effects of caffeine


valerian root herb
  • Valerian root

Valerian root is an herb that has been used since ancient times to provide feelings of tranquility and improve sleep.

This classic sleep promoting herb has been shown to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. By inhibiting the breakdown of GABA, valerian decreases feelings of anxiety, calms you down and makes it easier for you to doze off into restful sleep.

  • Chamomile

One of the things you often hear when suffering from sleep problems is to ‘drink some chamomile tea’, and not without good reason.

You see, chamomile contains very high levels of apigenin, a bioflavonoid that has potent anti-anxiety and calming effects, and even helps protect against cancer.

A meta-analysis of 12 different randomized control trials consistently showed a significant improvement of sleep quality after taking chamomile. If you had any doubts left about the effectiveness of chamomile, scientists obviously don’t.

Dong Quai (angelica sinensis)
  • Dong Quai (angelica sinensis)

Angelica sinensis, also called Dong Quai, is a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine. It’s commonly called ‘lady’s ginseng’, because it’s mainly used for improving women’s health. Nevertheless, Dong Quai is also an amazing sleep aid.

Research has shown that Dong Quai causes a marked alleviation of sleep disturbances and fatigue. By using this powerful remedy, you’ll have a clear mind and lots of energy during daytime, and slumber effortlessly at night.

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)
  • Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

As a so-called adaptogenic herb, Holy Basil traces its roots back to traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

If you’re suffering from stress induced sleep problems, Holy Basil might be your best bet. By inhibiting the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, Holy Basil allows you to enter a state of calmness, making restful sleep a given.

hops - popular alcoholic drink
  • Hops

You probably know hops from the world’s most popular alcoholic drink - beer, to which it provides its bitter flavor. For the purposes of sleep, the plant also has potent anxiolytic effects.Hops calm you down by enhancing levels of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain.

Studies show that using hops lowers the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep, and even people who drink non-alcoholic beer consistently report better sleep.

What’s more, hops are a particularly powerful sleep aid when used in conjunction with valerian root, which we’ve also included in inergySLEEP. Both contain a substance that binds to adenosine receptors, which decreases wakefulness and induces feelings of sleepiness, and hops and valerian taken together elicit a stronger effect on adenosine than if taken separate.

Lemon Balm herb
  • Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is an herb that is a member of the mint family, and is used for both cooking and herbal medicine. Lemon Balm contains eugenol, which reduces anxiety and induces a state of calmness.

As proof, a study from 2011 found that an extract of Lemon Balm was able to reduce insomnia by no less than 42 %, and manifestations of anxiety by about 18 %. In short, Lemon Balm relieves you of your worries and lets you catch some zzz’s.

Passion Flower
  • Passion Flower

This plant comes from Central and South America, and has a wide range of medicinal uses. It’s commonly used to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.

Passion flower decreases feelings of wakefulness and significantly increases the amount of time you spend in slow wave sleep, which is when your body regenerates and rebuilds itself.

Iron - an essential mineral
  • Iron

As an essential mineral, iron is indispensable for our bodies to function properly. Its most important use is giving our blood the ability to carry oxygen to our cells.

Being deficient in iron has been shown to cause feelings of anxiety, insomnia and restless leg syndrome, which makes a proper night’s sleep nearly impossible. To cover any possible deficiency you might have, we’ve included this essential mineral in inergySLEEP.

GABA an amino acid
  • GABA

GABA is an amino acid that serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, a molecule that helps our brain cells communicate. When taken as a supplement, GABA has a very potent calming effect.

Imagine you hit the sack at 10 PM each night, yet it takes you at least half an hour to fall asleep, while you’re also waking up a few times during the night. In that case, your so-called sleep efficiency is low. Sleep efficiency is measured as the percentage of time that you spent in bed that you were actually asleep.

Well, research shows that taking GABA reduces the time it takes to fall asleep by an average of 5.3 minutes and increases total sleep efficiency by a significant amount. So no more lying awake and staring at the ceiling. Just close your eyes for instant sweet dreams.

Magnesium mineral
  • Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that has many different uses in our body. Being deficient can cause you to feel anxious and interferes with your sleep, and unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is a widespread phenomenon.

In people who are deficient, supplementing with magnesium decreases the time it takes to fall asleep and increases sleep efficiency as well as total sleep time.

But while most magnesium supplements are of very poor quailty, inergySLEEP contains magnesium citrate, which has the highest bioavailability (90 %). Because of this, the magnesium in inergySLEEP is almost completely absorbed by your body.

Black Cohosh
  • Black Cohosh

Traditionally used by Native Americans for medicinal purposes, Black Cohosh was later introduced to the European colonists. While usually taken to enhance women’s health, black cohosh also has sleep promoting properties.

To illustrate, a study from 2015 concluded that Black Cohosh was able to increase sleep efficiency and reduce wake after sleep onset by an average of 15.8%.

This means that not only will you fall asleep’re not going to find yourself waking up four times in the middle of the night.

  • L-theanine

If you’re someone who likes to drink green tea, you’ll already be ingesting a decent amount of theanine, which is responsible for the calming effect of the drink.

Theanine is an essential part of any sleep stack, because it reduces anxiety and stress, promotes relaxation and improves sleep quality.

Specifically, theanine has been shown to counter the sleep-disrupting effects of caffeine. If you’re looking to sleep better but aren’t willing to give up your coffee habit, theanine is the solution.

When you take theanine, you want to make sure to add some GABA too. A study showed that a GABA/l-theanine mixture caused a much stronger decrease in sleep latency and an increase in sleep duration when compared to taking GABA or theanine by itself.

And if you’re looking to have intense dreams: a combination of the two was also able to nearly double the amount of time spent in REM sleep.

Obviously, we included both in inergySLEEP.

  • Melatonin

Melatonin is a molecule that is used by our body to regulate our circadian clock. Melatonin is released by our pineal gland and is commonly known as a ‘sleep signaling molecule’.

So how does melatonin help you sleep better?

Specifically, theanine has been shown to counter the sleep-disrupting effects of caffeine. If you’re looking to sleep better but aren’t willing to give up your coffee habit, theanine is the solution.

It works like this: if your internal biological clock is out of sync, taking some melatonin in the evening will reset it. This allows your brain to know it’s bedtime. By synchronizing circadian rhythm, melatonin decreases the time it takes you to fall asleep, while also increasing sleep quality and daytime wakefulness.

And if you’re looking to have intense dreams: a combination of the two was also able to nearly double the amount of time spent in REM sleep.

Especially if you’re a shift worker or someone who travels a lot, using melatonin will counter the jet lag that comes with a frequently disrupted circadian rhythm.

What you’ll experience when taking inergySLEEP

  • Noticeable feelings of calmness
  • Decreased anxiety and stress
  • Fall asleep much faster
  • Be able to sleep more hours each night
  • Greatly increased sleep quality
  • More regenerative sleep
  • Feel more rested and awake in the morning

Suggested Use

Each bottle contains a 30-day supply (30 capsules).

Take 1 capsule before bed. Do not take more than 3 capsules per night. Avoid taking when operating machinery or driving a vehicle. For best results, take it together with inergyPLUS

Store in a cool, dry place. No refrigeration needed.

  • Stimulant and caffeine-free
  • Sugar-free
  • No negative side effect
  • No elevated heart rate, jitters or crash
  • Ideal for daily consumption
  • Support healthy heart



What’s the difference between inergyPLUS and inergySLEEP?
inergyPLUS is designed to build up and strengthen your mitochondria, which are your cellular energy generators. Taking inergyPLUS massively increases energy levels without the need for stimulants.

inergySLEEP on the other hand helps you sleep better, alleviates insomnia and decreases feelings of anxiety.

Because sleep is essential for mitochondrial health and new mitochondria are created while you are asleep, inergyPLUS and inergySLEEP work very well when taken together.
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Click Here to See References
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