10 fun workouts you can do with your spouse.

We all want to be healthy but sometimes it’s difficult to stay motivated when you are doing it by yourself.

Well, we hear your concern and thus have researched 10 fun workouts you can do with your spouse.

Perfect for starting each morning right for both of you.

Here are the 10 workouts:

1. Chair Squat High Five

  1. During this lower body HIIT exercise, keep your core tight and sink your weight into your heels. Never let your knees go in front of your toes.
  2. Start in chair pose with your hands in prayer position. 
  3. Then, jump into a squat and sink as low as you can while giving your partner a high five.
  4. Do as many reps as you can.  

2. Patty Cakes Pulsing Ballet Sumo Squats

  1. Stand in a sumo squat stance, push your heels as far off the ground as you can, and fight to maintain balance while doing pulsing sumo squats.

3. Push-up Supercouple Hug Pulls

  1. Start this partner exercise in plank with your hands about two feet apart. 
  2. In unison, do one pushup, hold a one-second hug in Superperson pose, and do one lat pull. 
  3. Then, reverse and repeat, as shown above. 

4. Jumping Lunges

  1. Hold your partner’s forearm and make sure you communicate about which leg you’ll lunge forward first. 
  2. Try to maintain eye contact with your partner during this cardio exercise. We found this made it more fun, and challenged our balance muscles. 
  3. With lunges, try to sink into a 90-degree bend in both legs. Keep your weight in your heels and it will be easier to go deeper in the lunge while preventing your front knee from jutting out past your toes.  

5. Side-To-Side Crunches

  1. Take your standard crunch position with your feet overlapping.
  2. Then, lift your shoulders off the ground by engaging your core muscles, and pivot your upper bodies from side to side. 
  3. Reach for your partner’s hand to maximize the range of motion.

6. Mountain Climber Crunch Kiss

  1. Try to do four mountain climbers and then pause to meet your partner at the top of their crunch for a kiss. 
  2. Then, switch roles. 

7. Speedy Plank Jack Shoulder Taps

  1. To start this partner workout exercise, kick your legs out, then, while jumping your legs back to center, reach up and touch your partner’s shoulder.
  2. Maintain stability by flexing your core and be careful not to bump heads. 

8. C-Sit Squares

  1. Take a C-sit position with your hands on the ground and your legs overlapping. 
  2. Then, lift and straighten your legs and start drawing squares with your feet.
  3. Keep your core engaged and do not arch your back.

9. Side plank with rotation and clap

  1. Start in side plank position, back to back.
  2. Partner A supports their weight on right hand, with feet stacked (right foot on the bottom), core tight, and hips lifted. Partner A raises left hand straight up so arms form a T.
  3. Partner B is in the same position, except on the left side, supporting their weight on left hand, with feet stacked (left foot on the bottom) and right hand extended straight up. Partners tap hands together above them.
  4. Partners bring hands down across front of body, rotating slightly (without dropping hips) to tap hands together underneath torsos. 
  5. Return to the starting position by leveling hips and tapping hands together overhead. Do 8–12 reps, then switch sides.

10. Plank hold and jump

  1. Partner A holds a forearm plank throughout this move, with shoulders directly above elbows, hands parallel (or clasped to make it easier), core tight, back straight, and hips level. Feet can be a few inches apart.
  2. Partner B stands at Partner A’s feet and, using both feet, jumps laterally over Partner A’s ankles to the right. Land lightly on toes and immediately jump back to the left as quickly as possible. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch roles.

Hopefully with these exercises, you and spouse will be healthier and happier together.

PS. We understand a lot of women going through menopause lose the motivation to workout because it seems like it makes no difference.

So if you want to manage your menopause symptoms naturally like hot flashes and unwanted weight gain, have better energy and immune system, we’ve got the perfect thing for you that provides your body with the proper ingredients to be healthier.

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!


The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:

  • Manage & improve your mood
  • Lessen Mood Swings
  • Maintain a healthy gut
  • Support healthy weight management
  • Reduce stubborn fat
  • Manage cravings
  • Keeping weight gain and menopausal symptoms at bay

By getting this bundle, you can get both Previtalize and Provitalize at just $79 ($39.50 per bottle instead of $49).

#1 Provitalize

Contains natural phytoestrogens like — curcumin, morning and curry leaf that helps stimulate bile production to boost digestion.
Also contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, helps repopulate the gut with good bacteria, effectively balancing the gut and improving your gut health.

#2 Previtalize

Our flagship prebiotic supplement which contains 5 effective and natural ingredients — Fructooligosaccharides, Inulin, GOS (Galacto-oligosaccharides), Burdock Root and XOS (Xylooligosaccharides) 

Inulin, a plant fibre extracted from a plant called Jerusalem Artichoke, is commonly used in traditional medicine for controlling cholesterol levels.

It has also the added benefits of supporting the probiotics that help better digestion. 

And when taken together,  Provitalize and  Previtalize can help better your gut health naturally and effectively, and boost digestion to reduce bloating.

This makes the  Slim Gut Bundle the absolute  must-have for any women trying to improve their digestion, reduce bloating and improve their gut health!