3 Tips To Burn Calories After 40.

Ever wonder why you’re having problems shedding weight compared to other women your age?

It is possible that you have a...

Low Calorie Burn-Rate

According to Dr. Ann Honebrink, an obstetrician and gynecologist and medical director of Penn Health for Women at Radnor... 

Most women burn roughly “10 fewer calories a day every year” after age 30.

For a woman going through menopause, typically around age 50, that comes out to roughly “200-220 fewer calories burned a day”.

Why does the number jump so much approaching menopause? 

You can chalk that up to the dropping estrogen levels in your body which affects your metabolism, affecting the rate at which the body burns calories.

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How does that tie in with not losing weight?

With a lower calorie burn rate, it can be harder for you to create a calorie deficit.

calorie deficit — is where you burn more calories than you eat in a day, and is the cornerstone of weight loss. 

When you are in a state of calorie deficit, your body will start burning the stored fat from your hips, thighs, belly, and throughout your body as fuel...trimming the unwanted weight away. 

How to achieve a calorie deficit?

Firstly, you need to know how much calories you burn in a day

To do that, simply follow this equation and you will get the number of calories you burn in a day (or use a online calculator!):

Calories burnt in a day / BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years) 

Got the magic number? Now follow these 3 simple steps to achieve a calorie deficit:

  1. Eat fewer calories than you burn each day. 

Your body burns calories all day long because it needs energy (calories) for your body to perform basic functions like —breathing, digesting, circulating, thinking and more. 

You also burn some calories with normal daily activities like bathing, cleaning, walking, typing and exercising (which uses even more calories each day). 

So, by limiting the amount of calories you eat a day, you will have less excess calories you have to burn off to achieve a calorie deficit.  

Easy ways to do this include: 

  • eat less fast food or junk food
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits
  • eat lean protein
  • reduce the amount of bad (saturated) fats
  • drink more water

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  1. Increasing your physical activity.

If you eat enough calories just to support your daily calorie burn, try adding in more exercise and you'll create a caloric deficit simply by burning extra calories. 

Some ideas to get creative with your day, the possibilities are endless: 

  • ride your bike walk rather than driving places
  • always take the stairs
  • move around at work rather than sitting a desk
  • play with your kids or dog
  • do squats while watching tv 
  1. A combination of the both.

This is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off, the best of both worlds.

It's much easier to create a calorie deficit when you combine eating less with exercise, because you don't have to starve yourself too much or workout like crazy. 

Studies show that the combination of diet and exercise are compounded to increase weight loss more than the equivalent of one method alone. One theory is that the exercise increases your calorie burn-rate which rev’s the fat burning even more.  

PS. Following these 3 steps are the best way to get your calorie burn-rate up & start burning unwanted weight!

However, if you want to boost your calorie burn-rate naturally…

There’s a special, additional Step 4 that we highly recommend — introducing thermogenic probiotics & prebiotics into your diet.

Thermogenic probiotics are special strains of good bacteria that mimics the effects of exercise by generating heat in the gut, which increases your metabolism and calorie burn-rate.

And they need to be taken with prebiotics so they can work at their maximum potency as fast as possible. Prebiotics act as food for the probiotics so they can grow and propagate efficiently.

After meticulous and thorough research, we’ve finally created a special blend of thermogenic probiotics & prebiotic designed for weight loss, which we’ve included it in our best selling bundle:

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!

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The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:

  • Increase calorie-burn rate 
  • Reduce stubborn fat
  • Shed unwanted weight
  • Reduce hormonal weight gain

… and many more!

Here’s where the magic happens!

When thermogenic probiotics & prebiotics are taken together, the prebiotics act as a boost, improving the efficacy of the unique probiotic strains, giving faster and better weight loss results.

This makes the Slim Gut Bundle a must-have for any woman looking to finally improve their calorie burn-rate during menopause, and shed the unwanted & stubborn weight they’ve struggled with for ages!

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Don’t Believe Us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Slim Gut bundle helped them with their weight management:

“Feeling lighter & more energized!”
“I started gaining weight when I turned 40, and I struggled to lose it even after eating healthy and regular vigorous exercise like I’ve done in the past. Nothing seems to work. Ran across the slim gut in a facebook ad and I thought I’d give it a try. I am happy with what I am seeing, I’m finally losing weight and I have enough energy to workout more. I am looking forward to continuing this product.”
- Rachael K, ✅  Verified Buyer

So, if you want to enjoy the benefits Rachael did, and finally shed the stubborn weight off while keeping menopausal weight gain at bay...

Try our Slim Gut Bundle and experience the benefits for yourself today!

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