Hot flashes/flushes are these intense moments of heat that rises within the body, and the body starts sweating to cool off said heat.
They might even occur when you are sleeping, resulting in night sweats.
But why do they happen ?
Because of menopause!
Due to the hormonal imbalance menopause brings about, the body’s internal thermostat starts malfunctioning.
As estrogen levels take a dip during menopause, this can actually render the hypothalamus hypersensitive.
This causes a miscommunication in the body about needing to cool off when it’s not actually hot, and the blood responds to the message by rushing to the skin.
That’s why the body begins sweating to cool down.The result is feeling hot and wet at the same time, not a great combination.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 5 hacks for you to diminish those pesky hot flashes:
Nutrients, in particular proteins and fats, helps guide healthy hormone and nerve signaling.
A well-balanced diet can also reduce blood sugar changes that cause similar symptoms to hot flashes. Try to eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as cold-water fish or ground flax seed, or consider a fish oil supplement.
Certain foods may trigger hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.
They may be even more likely to trigger you when you eat them at night.
Common triggers include caffeine, alcohol and foods that are sugary or spicy.
Keep a symptom diary. If you feel that particular foods trigger your menopause symptoms, try to reduce your consumption or avoid them completely.
Stress causes the release of a substance called epinephrine, which increases body temperature and sweating. Relaxing activities may help reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes.
Recommended relaxation exercises include:
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant compounds that can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body.
Therefore, they may help balance hormones.
The high intake of phytoestrogens in Asian countries such as Japan is thought to be the reason why menopausal women in these places rarely experience hot flashes.
Foods rich in phytoestrogens include soybeans and soy products, tofu, tempeh, flaxseeds, linseeds, sesame seeds and beans. However, the phytoestrogen content in foods varies depending on processing methods.
If you are struggling with hot flashes and night sweats during menopause, it could be because you are dehydrated. If you are not drinking water all throughout the day, you’re likely not drinking enough of it.
Hydration effects hot flashes because being the hypothalamus—the body’s thermostat—is one of the key sensors for your level of thirst. So if you feel thirsty, the hypothalamus may respond by kicking up your body temperature via a hot flash in an attempt to get you to drink more water.
Unfortunately, age apparently dampens the body’s thirst signal. This means that as we get older, we are likely to naturally drink less water than we used to.
Remember that you need extra water when exerting yourself during workouts or when it is especially hot out. If you are spending more time outdoors, you need to increase your water intake.
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