7 Natural Remedies to Beat Spring Allergy.

Spring is finally in full swing!

Which means Spring allergies are in full affect as well

So, what is it with Spring that makes the allergies flare up?

Pollen. Pollen are the tiny grains that trees, grasses, and weeds release into the air to fertilize other plants. 

When they get into the nose of someone who’s allergic, they send the body's defenses haywire, causing runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms that are all too familiar if you have allergies.

Here are the pollen-releasing plants that triggers allergies:

Trees: Alder, Ash, Aspen, Beech, Box elder, Cedar, Cottonwood, Cypress, Elm, Hickory, Juniper, Maple, Mulberry, Oak, Olive, Palm, Pine, Poplar, Sycamore, Willow.

Grass & Weeds: Bermuda, Fescue, Johnson, June, Orchard, Perennial rye, Redtop, Saltgrass, Sweet vernal, Timothy.
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So, if you have any of these varieties of plants near you, do take extra care!

But why are menopausal women more prone to allergies?

As women experience hormonal fluctuations during menopause, it may compromise their immune system, making them more susceptible to allergies.

Plus, they might even start having allergic reactions to things they might not have been allergic to before.

Solutions for Spring allergies

The most common forms of OTC (Over-the-counter) medication for allergies are antihistamines, decongestants & nasal sprays. 

But they do come with some side effects like headaches, sleeplessness & rapid heartbeat.

So if you want a more natural touch, here are some home remedies for your Spring allergies:

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Remedy #1: Saline nasal irrigation

You can try rinsing out your nose with a neti pot to help clear the nasal passageways and open the sinuses. 

A 2012 review of 10 studies showed that saline nasal irrigation had beneficial effects for both children and adults with hay fever.

Remedy #2: Take a hot shower 

The steam from the heat will help temporarily clear your sinuses, but the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology recommends you take a shower once you enter your home to cleanse yourself of all the outdoor pollen. 

Remedy #3: Sip on some Apple Cider Vinegar

The potassium contained in ACV will help eliminate runny noses. It also helps to break up mucus in the body, letting you breathe again. But don't drink it straight; try diluting it in water or with lemon juice.

Remedy #4: Eat some probiotics

Although mostly recognized for its use in balancing our gut bacteria, probiotics can help with bolstering the immune systems of people who suffer from allergic rhinitis.

A 2015 review of 23 studies indicated that probiotics may help improve symptoms of hay fever.

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Remedy #5: Breathe in some eucalyptus oil

The dried leaves of this plant make a scented oil that is commonly used for allergy relief, due to its ability to reduce inflammation. A 2010 study found it to be beneficial for respiratory problems such as asthma.

Putting some in a small bowl at your work desk or rubbing about three drops on your chest could help you breathe easier.

Remedy #6: Try some butterbur

Butterbur extracts are used for headaches, fever and nasal allergies, and it blocks the chemicals that can cause swelling in the nasal passages. 

In a 2002 study of 125 patients, butterbur had similar effects to an antihistamine, but without the drowsiness.

Remedy #7: Apply some peppermint oil

You'll be able to breathe easier by diffusing peppermint oil or even applying it on your skin after it's diluted (with a carrier oil), because the peppermint oil smooths out muscles involved in coughing.

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PS: When it comes to allergies, menopausal women might be more susceptible than others, which is why it is more important now than ever to bolster immunity.

However, when you think about immunity, you naturally think — vitamins, right?

But there’s something far more effective than the usual tablets of vitamins you consume (plus, it’s natural!):

Mushroom Extracts!

Did you know there are certain mushroom extracts that actually do MORE for our immunity than Vitamins? Extracts like:

Extract #1: Maitake — which studies indicate can support immune defense by stimulating the production of white blood cells to ward off infections.

Extract #2: Reishi —  used for hundreds of years by Eastern Medicine for the treatment of infections, Reishi supports lymphocyte function - which helps combat infections.

Extract #3: Yun Zhi — rich in polysaccharides PSK/PSP and peptidoglycans - which has been shown to strengthen bodily functions for comprehensive immune support against various conditions.

Which is why we’ve incorporated these 3 mushroom extracts, along with natural herbs & essential vitamins into our flagship immunity supplement — Biofence

Introducing Biofence!

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With its unique blend of mushroom extracts, natural herbs & vitamins, it has helped women worldwide: 

  • Cleanse airways & smoothens airflow
  • Reduce respiratory issues
  • Elevate energy levels
  • Bolsters Immunity
  • Wards off colds & infections

… and many more! 

 Contains 3 adaptogenic mushroom extracts — Maitake, Reishi & Yunzhi that are clinically tested for their ability to naturally promote a healthy immune response, soothe inflammation and bolster immune cell functionality.

Contains 5 natural herbs — Larch Tree Extract, Astragalus Root, Black seed oil, Echinacea, Elderberry, all of them providing unique benefits which bolsters the respiratory system & lung function against allergies and viruses.

Contains 3 essential vitamins — Vitamin C & D and EpiCor, all capable of providing essential support the body needs to maintain good health and immunity.

So, if you want to finally enjoy all the natural beauty of Spring firsthand without having to succumb to your allergies, why not give Biofence a try and keep allergies & infections at bay!

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Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how Biofence helped them fortify their immunity:

“I don't sneeze as much now!”
“I've been taking BioFence for a while and I do notice that I seem to be sneezing a lot lesser now. I definitely would recommend you give it a try!” 
- Sonia H, ✅ Verified Buyer

“My husband and I love it!”
“I bought this just to give my immune system a boost during Spring time, where my allergies go crazy. My husband and I are taking this and we love it!” 
- Carol D, ✅ Verified Buyer

So, if you want to enjoy the same benefits these lovely women have, why not give Biofence a try today and experience a stronger immunity & lesser allergies firsthand!

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