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What Do Probiotics Do For You?: Probiotics 101, Part 1
So, it’s probably old news by now that our bodies contain trillions of living bacteria. Some types of probiotics are good; some are bad. The big question is: What do probiotics do for you?
Well, the answer is… there is no one answer. There are so many benefits of probiotics (weight loss, for example), scientists are barely scratching the surface.
Yet, based on what we know, if you’re asking…
“Should I Take Probiotics?” The Answer Is YES!
Here’s why.
Whether you’re taking probiotic drinks or probiotic tablets, chances are your gut could use some help. Especially if:
You take antibiotics
You drink tap or fluoridated water
You’re regular under the Sun for long periods
You take processed foods packed with sugar and fats
Now, before we dive in, I just want to say everyone’s gut is unique. Our microbiome (or, gut environment) is as unique as our fingerprints or personality. That’s why probiotics may work fast for some and slow for others.
But that’s ok. The point is to make sure your gut balance is at least 80% good guys. If that’s the case, you’re golden! Alright cool, so…
Compete with bad bacteria for food (having more good guys means starving the bad guys)
Help you digest food that your body cannot digest (like fiber, for example)
Produce vitamins to encourage growth of other beneficial bacteria
Attacking harmful foreign invaders
Push out bad bacteria by colonizing the intestine
Reduce inflammation
Strengthens your body’s natural immunity
That’s what’s happening on a deep micro level inside your gut. These tiny soldiers are just keeping the unwanted bacteria from calling your gut home.
But in order to do that, we first need to introduce probiotics into our gut. How? By either eating probiotics rich foods, or taking dietary probiotics supplements.
On there, you can discover some mouth-watering tasty recipes for food.
If you have any recommendations, feel free to send in your suggestions too! Then we’d definitely love to hear from you.
But right now, you’re probably wondering what the benefits of probiotics are. And you may be even wondering if there are any probiotics side effects.
We will cover those 2 BIG QUESTIONS in parts 2 and 3 of this series. And we will also answer some funny questions we’ve received from readers in future articles such as, “Do probiotics make you poop more?”
(Hint: The short answer is: Probably, but it’s not a bad thing. Let your gut adapt and you’ll be fine. :))
So, if you enjoyed finding out what do probiotics do for you, share it with your friends and family on your social pages.