5 Tips From Jennifer Aniston: How To Look Radiant & Young

Jennifer Aniston has been asked dozens of times over the years about her beauty secrets, and it’s not a big surprise! 

Aside from being named the World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People magazine - she consistently has glowing and seemingly flawless skin… 

While the rest of us are merely trying to figure out how to bottle up that Aniston glow for ourselves.


So, what’s her beauty secret?  

For years now - she has preached on the importance of drinking a ton of water. 

She also admits that her diet and exercise routine also play a major part in keeping her skin in great shape too. 

Also, while she’s not afraid to try out many trendy and expensive spa treatments…

Her at-home skin care routine is surprisingly simple. 


Here are some tips she has shared over the years:

#1 Beauty Starts Inside Out

“Emotionally and mentally, I would say it’s just about loving yourself and loving what you’ve been given - to really appreciate it and take care of it. 

This is the only body we’re given, so we need to be really good and mindful of what we eat and how we take care of our skin - getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important, as is hydrating with water, water and mostly water. It’s so important to get that extra glow.” - she said in an interview with Vogue magazine. 


#2 Water. Water & Mostly Water

She mentioned that she drinks 100 ounces of water every single day! 

“Water, sleep, and sunscreen is important” - as it helps to protect our skin from the UV rays and keep our skin hydrated. 

This is usually important for menopausal women - as we tend to have dry skin!


#3 Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar

Yes, she has been using this $3 facial cleansing bar since high school. 

Her morning routine usually goes something like this: 

  1. Washes her face with the facial cleansing bar
  2. Uses a toner, after washing her face
  3. She wears a serum after drying her face
  4. Finally, she says daily moisturizer is also a MUST.


#4 Simplicity Is Key

“I think over the years, everything’s just continued to get simpler. Less is more, less makeup, less fuss, and just more natural, which I kind of prefer. My skincare treatment is very simple.” - she said to Vogue in 2017.


#5 Collagen

After taking collagen supplements - I’ve been seeing a difference! My nails are stronger and healthier. My skin has started to glow. I feel like it’s sort of that working from inside-out”.


So, there we have it. Here are 5 Ways Jennifer Aniston has managed to look radiant and young despite her age :)