5 Tips Guaranteed To Boost Your Libido Naturally!

If you’re not “in the mood” most of the time after menopause, and it’s affecting your relationship with your partner...

Not to worry, this happens to more women than you think!

As many as 63% of women experience a change in their sex drive or libido during menopause, and it can go to as high as 86.5% after menopause.

Why is my libido affected?

Going through menopause, you might notice that your libido, or sex drive has changed along the way.

Some women experience an increase, while others experience a decrease in their libido.

The main culprit that’s ruining the mood? Your hormones.

The drop in estrogen levels not only affects your libido, but the decreased hormone levels can affect your intimate area, causing vaginal dryness & even vaginal atrophy.

A combination of these symptoms can end up making sex painful for 64% of women, according to the North American Menopause Society.

Some tips to set the mood right!

If your sex drive takes a turn for the worse instead, don’t worry!

We’ve prepared some tips you can boost your libido naturally with:

Tip #1: Eat aphrodisiac fruits.

There are certain fruits that are capable of boosting your libido — or aphrodisiacs.

These foods also provide important vitamins and minerals that can increase blood flow to the genitals and promote a healthy sex life.

Fruits like: Blueberries, Strawberries, Figs, Bananas, Avocado

Tip #2: Fill up on chocolates.

It is no surprise that chocolate is on this list.

It has cemented itself as a symbol of desire , not just because of its delicious taste but also because of its power to improve sexual pleasure.

Chocolate promotes the release of the chemicals phenethylamine and serotonin into your body. This can produce some aphrodisiac and mood-lifting effects.

Tip #3: Limit your wine.

Too much alcohol can kill the buzz & inhibit your ability to orgasm.

Drinking one glass of wine can put you at ease and increase your interest in becoming intimate. However, too much alcohol can ruin your ability to perform by affecting erectile function.

Tip #4: Quit Smoking!

Smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on a person’s cardiovascular system. Good heart health is important for good sexual functioning.

People who smoke cigarettes may find that their energy levels and sex drive increase after they quit.

Tip #5: Communication is key!

For women, emotional closeness is ever so important to sexual intimacy. That means unresolved conflicts can affect your sexual relationship.

So speak to your partner about the problems that are gnawing at you. Communication is essential for building trust in a relationship, and it’s important to communicate constantly to prevent resentments from building up.

PS. Low Libido during menopause is primarily caused by one, lower estrogen levels, and two, vaginal atrophy.

These two problems make getting intimate almost impossible…

So if you need a solution for both these problems, why not try Provitalize?

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