Bond With Your Child With These Mom-Kid Duo Exercises.

Working out alone can be pretty boring, right?

Why not invite your child to workout together?

Having a workout partner doubles the fun you have, and it motivates you to get better results. 

You will not only have a workout buddy who spots you, but also, its a chance for you to introduce more activity in both of your lives!

So, set a period of time weekly (we recommend twice every week!) where you both can do these exercises for a good sweat & bonding session:

The warm up

To start your workout right, make sure you warm up. You can make it fun for you and your child by blasting some tunes and dancing for 10 minutes. The cardio will get the heart pumping and the blood flowing.

(Another sweet way to bond with your child, over music: Work together to create a workout playlist with a mix of your fave pump-up songs.)

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Exercises to improve posture

Ex 1

Bungee shoulder press (For Mom)

  • Step on an exercise band with your right foot, holding the other end in your right arm. 
  • Extend your arm diagonally up to the ceiling then lower back down. Focus on keeping the movement fluid and controlled. 
  • Repeat 10 times per side.

Reverse fly (For Child)

  • Grab a set of 3-pound dumbbells and hold one in each hand. 
  • Step your left leg in front of your body and hinge at the hips. 
  • Next, raise your arms to the sides. Pause here, then lower to the starting position. 
  • Repeat 20 times.

Exercises to build butt & legs

Ex 2

Basic Squat (For Mom)

  • Begin by standing next to a chair, arms crossed.
  • Squat down to hover just above the seat. 
  • Pause in this position, then stand back up. 
  • Repeat 10 times.

Advanced single-leg squat (For Child)

  • Make this move a bit more challenging by raising one leg in the air during your squat. As you come back up, press into the heel of your supporting foot. 
  • Repeat 10 times per leg.

Exercises to build core strength

EX 3

Plank (For Mom)

  • Get into forearm plank position, with your feet and arms shoulder-width apart. 
  • Keep your abs engaged, tuck your toes, and squeeze your glutes. 
  • Hold for 1 minute.

Mountain climbers (For Child)

  • Begin in push-up or plank position, with arms shoulder-width apart. 
  • While keeping your arms straight and core engaged, bring your right knee in toward your right elbow. 
  • Then quickly switch to the left side. 
  • Keep alternating between feet in a running motion for 1 minute.

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Exercises to improve flexibility

Ex 4

Side bend (For Mom)

  • Begin by standing tall with your arms extended overhead. 
  • Then lean your body to the right until you feel a nice stretch. 
  • Pause here for a few counts, then switch to the left. 
  • Repeat 10 times per side.

Runners lunge (For Child)

  • Start in a kneeling position, then lean forward to open up your hip flexors. 
  • Be sure to keep your hips square and facing forward. 
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite leg.

Exercises to improve balance

Ex 5

For both Mother and Child

  • Find your favorite single-leg balance pose and hold for 1 minute.
  • If you’re falling too often, try using your hands for balance.

PS. Spending quality time with your child while sweating off unwanted weight is a great way to stay in shape!

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