Challenge Monday 2 - What To Eat To Reduce Love Handles

Unlike their adorable name, there is nothing lovable about love handles.

Love handles are just another moniker for the excess fats that sits at the sides of the waist that spills over the waistband.

Also known as the “muffin top”, this stubborn fat can be easy to gain, but hard to lose.

Solely working out on this specific area with endless side crunches and other abdominal moves that target the obliques isn’t going to cut it.

In order to get rid of love handles for good, you’re going to need to make dietary, exercise and lifestyle changes.

We’ve covered the exercise portion of the challenge here, so be sure to catch up if you missed it!

Today, we will be sharing with you:

Dieting tips to melt that love handle

Tip #1: More Fibre

Your daily diet should consist of foods that are rich in soluble fibre. 

Whole foods that are rich in soluble fiber are not only packed with nutrients, but they’re also good for the bacteria in your gut.

Plus, it helps keep you feeling full for a longer period of time by slowing down digestion and decreasing feelings of hunger.

One study showed that when people increased the amount of soluble fiber they ate by just 10 grams per day over five years, they lost an average of 3.7% of their belly fat.

A few good sources of soluble fiber are beans, nuts, oats, vegetables and fruits.

Tip #2: More Protein

Athletes gorge their faces with chicken breasts for a reason.

Including a source of high-quality protein in your meals can help you reduce excess fat, including love handles

Protein not only helps keep you full between meals, but it may also reduce your snacking urges.

Furthermore, studies have shown that diets rich in protein are more effective at reducing belly fat than diets that are low in protein.

Good sources of high-quality protein include eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, seafood, poultry and meats.


Tip #3: More healthy fats

Filling up on healthy fats can help slim your waistline.

Not only do healthy fats taste delicious, they help you feel full, causing you to consume fewer calories throughout the day.

A few sources of healthy fat include avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds and fatty fish.

One study of more than 7,000 people found that when participants ate a high-fat Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil, they lost a greater amount of weight and accumulated less belly fat than those on a low-fat diet.

This makes healthy fats a must have, especially when you’re looking to drop your love handles.

Tip #4: Less Alcohol

I know I know. Cutting back on alcohol is hard.

But do you know that drinking alcohol is almost equivalent to drinking liquid calories?

Drinking too much alcohol has been linked to obesity and an increase in body fat, especially in the midsection. (ever heard of the term “beer belly”?)

Plus, many alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories and added sugar, which can cause you to gain weight.

So, we recommend that you limit yourself when drinking if you’re really serious about losing that love handle. 


Tip #5: Less added sugar

Healthy eating is key when you’re trying to lose fat in any area of the body. And tossing added sugar out of the window is one of the best ways to clean up your diet.

Added sugar refers to the sugar added to foods and drinks like cookies, candies, sports drinks and sodas to make them sweet, and not the natural sugars found in healthy foods like whole fruit.

Aside from the many health problems it causes, having too much sugar in your diet can cause an increased amount of belly fat. So avoid them at all costs!

Especially the most heinous of them all, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Studies have shown that fructose is indeed one of the biggest contributors to belly fat.

P.S. If you’re looking to get the best out of your weight management diets, probiotics are one thing you cannot afford to miss out on.

Probiotics may reduce the number of calories you absorb from food.

They also affect levels of hormones and proteins related to appetite and fat storage, as well as potentially reduce inflammation, which can drive obesity.

Specifically, studies have found that certain strains of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium family can help you lose weight and belly fat, all of them present in our flagship product, Provitalize:

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