Especially when you’re dealing with menopausal insomnia!
Insomnia and sleep disturbances caused by hormonal changes leave many menopausal women tossing and turning or waking up drenched in sweat.
They wake up the next day, feeling extra irritated, anxious, fatigued, and even have trouble concentrating...which in turn can also lead to insomnia.
This vicious cycle that involves mood changes and lack of sleep is unfortunately one that many menopausal women have to deal with on a daily basis.
The main culprit you have to blame is hormonal changes.
When your estrogen and progesterone levels decrease during menopause, it triggers a change in your sleeping habits. This is partly because progesterone is a sleep-producing hormone.
While your body copes with the declining hormone levels, you may find it harder to fall asleep and more difficult to stay asleep.
Here’s how you can tell if you’re experiencing insomnia:
On average, fully grown adults need 7 to 9 hours a night, so if you’re having less than the recommended hours of sleep, you might experience:
So now that we’ve gone through the what, how and why of menopausal insomnia…
We have today, some lifestyle changes and smart sleep strategies you can start using tonight to rest easy!
Tip #1: Get some sunshine
Exposure to the morning sunlight can help you go to sleep better! It is hardwired into our evolutionary heritage. Once the sunlight hits your skin, it helps to calibrate our internal, 24-hour circadian clock and prepare the body for rest at night by supporting the secretion of melatonin, our sleep hormone.
Tip #2: Drink your coffee before noon
The time for the caffeine to start wearing off takes about six hours. This means that if you have a coffee at 4 pm, the caffeine will still be in your system around bedtime. To make sure your body is free of caffeine before bed, enjoy your coffee before midday.
Tip #3: Cultivate a bedtime routine
If you start to build a relaxing before-bed ritual 30-90 minutes before you go to sleep, it can educate your body and mind to wind down for rest. Try having a hot bath, lighting an aromatherapy candle, practising deep breathing or meditation, reading a book by a soft lamp, or doing some yoga.
Tip #4: Make it as dark as possible
Making your room as dark as possible helps to induce sleep. The murky darkness signals to our brains that it needs to prepare for rest. It triggers the secretion of melatonin: the hormone chiefly responsible for inducing sleep.
Tip #5: Keep it cool
To ward off hot flashes and night sweats, make sure the temperature in your bedroom is comfortable and low. Wear breathable cotton sleepwear, whether you prefer pajamas or a nightgown, and choose cotton sheets over synthetic materials. Before bed, consider taking a cool shower.
If you wake up because of hot flashes (or for another reason), don’t torture yourself by lying awake in bed. After 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing until you start to feel sleepy. Worrying about not sleeping can actually keep you from sleeping!
PS. Along with our tips to get a full night of sleep, we recommend including Provitalize to complete your bedtime routine:
Provitalize contains phytoestrogenic herbs that help reduce the symptoms of menopause and keep hot flashes & night sweats at bay…
Along with probiotics, which studies have shown improve sleep quality, as they produce melatonin when they’re fully incorporated into the gut.
Melatonin is absolutely crucial for the brain to regulate sleep, ensuring you sleep like a baby through the night without any disturbances.
So, if you’re looking for a natural supplement to fight back against insomnia, why not give Provitalize a try:
Provitalize has been loved by over 409,000 women worldwide for being the solution to their menopausal symptoms, including incomnia.
With its unique blend of thermogenic probiotics, all-natural herbs & absorption boosters, it has helped women worldwide fight back against:
… and many more!
We get it.
It can be daunting to shell out for something that might not even work.
But with over 500,000 satisfied customers, we’re very confident in our products and the potential benefits they will bring to your menopausal journey...
So confident, that we’ve got a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy with our product after trying it out for 90 days- you just need to tell us & we will refund you 100%!
So, what have you got to lose? Try Provitalize and experience the life-changing benefits for yourself today!