Natural Solution For The Shockingly Painful Menopausal Symptom - Electric Shock Sensation

How Electric Shock Sensations Affected Me During Menopause
“I first experienced, what I can best describe as a zap of electricity, when I began perimenopause. 

They are 100% followed by a hot flush but not all my hot flashes are started with electric shocks — a great hot flash detection system, but unfortunately a painful one.

I tend to get ‘zapped’ alot, and it’s indescribably the worst during the night. I frequently get them also when I just woke up, throughout the day too. It’s just very sporadic and random. 

But one thing that’s for sure is that they hurt so much for me. 
I’ve seen other women comparing it to a light snap but mine is a very painful shock. I try hard to relax my body every time it happens but the pain just makes me feel nauseous after the ordeal, so much that I just want to cry.
These shocks happen in very random places. What I’m experiencing is like someone randomly putting pins in a doll version of myself, very wild and random.  

Just yesterday, it happened in my right little toe simultaneously with the back of my left ear. It’s never the same place twice, and it only lasts a second or so, and the pain is breathtaking. 

I’ve even had shocks in my intimate areas, with another one happening at the same time on the side of my shoulder. I’m thinking it was a neurological issue, but I’ve only recently had them since I started going through menopause. 
I didn’t think they could be related, so thank you for sharing this bit of info!”

- Samantha M, 49

What exactly are these electric shocks?

Imagine getting flicked, really hard on your forearm. Now imagine that pain, multiplied twice, happening without any warning. 

It can be quite scary and painful, right?

Well, that’s how Electric Shock Sensations, or ESS, feels like. They’re a rather uncommon symptom of menopause, and can be a cause for concern when you first feel a jolt of electricity shooting throughout your body

For many menopausal women, ESS is short-term and generally harmless. But for some it serves as a painful detection system for an incoming hot flash.

Why do ESS happen during menopause?

Our body uses electrical signals as a way to communicate, with nerves as the pathway. 

Because of this, the bodily changes that happen to women during menopause can result in the occurrence of ESS.

During menopause, the hormonal fluctuations can affect the nervous system, especially the drop in estrogen levels. The declining estrogen levels can affect the nerves, causing a misfire of neurons which result in ESS.

Hormone imbalance during menopause can affect the hypothalamus, the body’s internal thermostat located in the brain, which is why sometimes hot flashes follow straight after an ESS episode. 

What are the solutions to Electric Shock Sensations?

Add phytoestrogens into your diet

Phytoestrogens are compounds that are naturally found in certain foods, including chickpeas, soy, flax seeds, broccoli, moringa leaf, berries, turmeric, and many more.

The compounds act like estrogen, which may help restore hormonal balance and reduce low-estrogen symptoms.

Make sure you’re taking vitamin B

Vitamin B is crucial for normal nerve function. So if your B12 levels are running low, you might actually experience more of these shocks and zaps.

Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture can help to stimulate blood flow to the nerves to restore nerve health. Additionally, acupuncture can also help ease anxiety & hot flash symptoms for menopausal women.

Consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

If the menopausal symptoms get too much to handle, try talking to your doctor to see if you’re suitable to take up HRT as a form of treatment.1 

However, some women are not compatible with this synthetic form of treatment and have experienced side effects like abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, migraines, and more.

PS. Tired of being zapped on the daily by Electric Shock Sensations? Here’s what you need to start feeling normal again!
Like we’ve mentioned above, adding phytoestrogen into your diet is a great way to replenish hormonal levels naturally. They’re all natural, and are a great alternative to the harsh nature of HRT.
During menopause, the declining estrogen levels can affect the nerves, causing a misfire of neurons which result in ESS, and even hot flashes.
If you restore hormonal balance, you will be effectively easing ESS, hot flashes, and many more menopausal symptoms all at once.
So, if you need a way to introduce phytoestrogen into your diet, why not try Provitalize?

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  • Electric Shock Sensation
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