Reduce Your Hot Flashes With These 5 Simple Exercises!

Hey beautiful, we hope you’re having a great day!

It’s me, Madison Young, back again this week for another one of our Workout Wednesdays!

Today, we’re going to focus on the importance of strength training — and how it can help manage your hot flashes naturally!

How does strength training help with hot flashes?

Engaging in strength training can help your body regulate temperatures better.

In a study done on postmenopausal women who averaged 7.5 hot flashes or night sweats a day…

After 15 weeks of strength training, three 45-minute sessions per week, their hot flash occurrences went down to an average of 4.4 episodes a day.

This is because by doing strength training, you can train your body’s ability to regulate and dissipate heat properly, as well as a better reaction to sweat sensitivity.

Another benefit is the weights you lift increase serotonin and dopamine, feel good chemicals which can help alleviate stress, a big factor in causing hot flashes.

Why is strength training important for menopausal women

Along with reducing the intensity and occurrence of hot flashes...strength training can also help improve muscle strength & mass!

During menopause — due to the drop in estrogen, many women experience a loss in muscle and muscle weakness.

Strength training can help alleviate the problems that women face daily like:

  • difficulty walking for distances
  • climbing stairs
  • carrying groceries

Without further ado, let’s introduce the workout:

The workout

How to do it: Do a full-body strength-training routine — like this one — two days a week.

Then, on top of that, you may add the other components of fitness like yoga, dance, walking, or swimming.

You can complete all of these moves in one workout, or you can split them up if you're short on time. 

The key is consistency. 

Aim to complete 3 sets for each move, and choose a weight that makes it challenging to complete the final rep of each set.

What you'll need: While the gym is a great place to weight train, you can do these moves right at home. All you'll need is a chair, hand weights, and a mat.

Exercise #1: Squat to Chair

Squats works out the major leg muscles you use daily, and is the number one exercise for muscle and bone health for the lower body.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out slightly. 
  • Extend your arms forward and keep them parallel to the floor throughout the movement. 
  • Bend your knees and reach your hips back as if to fully sit down on the chair. Lower your hips until you feel the chair underneath you, but don't fully sit. 
  • Touch the chair with your butt, then immediately press into your heels and stand back up to the starting position. That's one repetition. 
  • Aim to complete 10 to 15 reps.

Exercise #2: Reverse Lunges (w/ dumbbells)

Lunges strengthen the entire lower body, keeping the muscles that the body uses for walking, climbing stairs and standing up strong and healthy.

  • Hold a dumbbell in both your hands, with your arm hanging next to your side.
  • Step back with your right foot and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent 90 degrees.
  • Pause, and then push back up to the starting position with your legs.
  • Do the same motion, but with the other foot. That’s one rep.
  • Aim for 10 to 15 reps.

Exercise #3: Seated Overhead Press

This move increases the lean muscle mass around your shoulders, reducing the risk for neck, shoulder, and lower back injuries when carrying heavy loads.

  • Begin seated with your back supported and 5 to 8 lbs dumbbells resting at your shoulders. 
  • Sit up tall and ensure that your elbows are below your wrists. 
  • Press upward so that your elbows are in front of your body, and not out to the sides. 
  • End with the dumbbells directly over your head, palms forward, with elbows fully extended, but not locked. 
  • Slowly release down following the same pattern of movement, ending at the start position. That's one repetition. 
  • Aim for 10 to 12 reps.

Exercise #4: Standing Calf Raise

This move improves the stability and mobility of your feet and lower legs, helping you keep your balance easily. 

  • Hold a 5 to 8 lbs dumbbells dumbbell in both your hands, and keep them rested by your sides.
  • To do a calf raise with dumbbells, hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. 
  • Let your arms hang straight below your shoulders. Rise up onto your toes, then slowly return to the starting position. You'll feel tension in the muscles in the back of your lower legs.
  • When you're doing calf raises, keep your back and knees straight. If you have trouble balancing, use a chair or pole for added stability.

Exercise #5: Bent Over Row

This move strengthens all of the muscles in your back, improving back strength and helps keep your posture upright.

  • Hold a 5 to 8 lbs dumbbells in each hand, bend over at about a 45-degree angle (no farther). 
  • Keep the back straight throughout the exercise. Brace your abdominals and breathe in.
  • Lift the weights straight up, exhaling. While lifting, the arms should go no higher than parallel with the shoulders — slightly lower than the shoulders is fine. 
  • While lifting, try to keep the wrists from excessive extra movement down or to the side. Do not squat down and up after the initial pose. No movement of the legs occurs throughout the exercise.
  • Lower the weights in a controlled manner while inhaling. That’s one repetition.
  • Aim for 12 to 15 reps. Remain bent over until all repetitions are complete.

Squeeze in 2-3 sessions a week to reduce hot flashes!

The key, as we mentioned, is consistency!

As long as you complete this full workout regularly, we’re sure you’ll start to see some improvements for hot flashes.

But remember, only carry as much as you can lift.

These exercises require the use of dumbbells, and you have to be sure not to carry too heavy of a weight.

A good rule of thumb is that if you’re struggling to even keep it in your arms, chances are it's too heavy for you.

Don’t give up, and keep at it!

Here’s Madison signing off, see you next Wednesday for another round of workout!

PS. Need a natural solution for hot flashes? Why not try Provitalize, risk-free? The best case scenario is you get rid of your hot flashes like Donna G...

Worst case scenario, you get 100% of your money back!

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Check out how Donna Got Rid of an 8-year long hot flash

“The best ever I’m a different women”

“This product has changed my life. Provitalize has stopped all my hot flashes and night sweats I’ve been having for 8 years. I was having 20-30 hot flashes a day and waking up soaking wet even with the window open at -10 in Northern British Columbia. It even helped me take some weight off and gave me more energy.

I’ve been on Provitalize now for 6 weeks and I’d rather go without coffee or food than these. My husband says I’m a different woman and my mood is way better too. He should know we’ve been together 32 years. Now I’m going to kick it in the butt and start living again. Thank you for such a great product.”

- Donna G, ✅Verified Buyer

So, if you’re dealing with hot flashes and want them gone, like how Donna got rid of an 8 year long hot flash…

Why not try Provitalize?

Made with all-natural herbs that gently restore hormonal balance.

Along with thermogenic probiotics that not only boost metabolism but also regulate hormones...

Provitalize has helped over 687,000 women worldwide beat their menopausal symptoms, like:

  • Weight gain
  • Hot flashes
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings
  • Hormonal imbalance

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