This Energizing 7-Minute Workout Works Better Than Coffee

7 Minute Energizing Workout to Start Your Day!

Do you feel tired every time you wake up?

Does lethargy hit you hard in the afternoon?

Instead of just reaching for the usual cuppa joe, which causes you to have a pretty nasty caffeine crash…

Why not try this 7-Minute Energizing Workout you can do in the morning ?



Not Buying It At All?

In fact, tons of research has found that exercise is energizing as opposed to it making you tired.

In an analysis of 70 studies, 90% found that sedentary people who completed a regular exercise routine improved their energy levels, whether they were healthy or had chronic illnesses.

In some cases, exercise was a better treatment for fatigue than narcolepsy drugs, and one study found that walking raised energy more quickly than caffeine.



Ready to get started? Here’s what you need to do:

Do each move for 30 seconds, or up to one minute if you feel like it and you've got the time.

Rest for one minute between circuits, and then repeat the whole thing a second time.

Exercise #1: Jumping Jacks — 30 seconds


  • Stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides.

  • Jump your feet out and bring your arms above your head simultaneously.

  • Jump your feet back together and bring your arms back to your sides. Continue repeating quickly.

Exercise #2: Toe Taps — 30 seconds


  • Go into a half squat, with your hands clenched in front of you.

  • Shift your left leg and tap the floor using the tip of your toe.

  • That’s one rep.

  • Repeat for the other leg.

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Exercise #3: Forearm Plank — 30 seconds

  • Start with your forearms and knees on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Elbows should be stacked underneath the shoulders, your forearms straight in front of you on the ground.

  • Lift your knees off the ground and push your feet back to bring your body to full extension, so your body creates one long line.

  • Keep your core tight and your hips lifted, and keep your neck in line with your spine.

Exercise #4: Pilates Roll Up — 30 seconds


  • Lie faceup on mat with arms resting on floor above head.

  • Float arms up so wrists are directly over shoulders, and begin to curl your spine up and off the floor.

  • Fold over legs, forming a "U" shape with body. Reverse movement to lower back to mat.

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Exercise #5: Bicycle Crunches — 30 seconds


  • Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet lifted, hands behind head.

  • Keep chest up and back straight as you lean back to engage abs.

  • Twist to bring right elbow to left knee, straightening right leg.

  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Exercise #6: Superman Plank — 30 seconds


  • Lie on your stomach with your arms out in front of you.

  • Lift your torso and legs a few inches off the floor. Pause and then slowly lower everything back down.

PS. If you need a natural pick-me-up to get you through the day, why not give Slim Gut Bundle a try?

One of the reasons why women in their late 40’s feel so tired and fatigued throughout the day — even with ample amounts of sleep — is because of the hormonal changes happening in their body.

Usually during their 40-50’s, women start experiencing peri-menopause, a natural process which causes a drop in their hormonal levels.

This is the reason why so many women feel so tired throughout the day, because these hormones are involved in regulating cellular energy within the body.

Slim Gut Bundle — our best selling herb & probiotic bundle can help with that.

With it’s blend of 3 unique phytoestrogensCurry Leaves, Moringa and Turmeric — which has the ability to mimic estrogen when ingested

And the probiotic + prebiotic blend — which helps boost energy levels by improving gut health

Slim Gut is just what you need to help combat menopausal fatigue naturally:

Introducing the Slim Gut Bundle!

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The Slim Gut Bundle contains a special blend of ingredients specially formulated to help women with:

  • Fatigue
  • Low-Energy
  • Mood Swings
  • Hormonal imbalance

…and many more!

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Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customer have to say about how the Slim Gut helped with menopausal fatigue:

“Love this product!”
“After having chronic fatigue for a couple of years, this product saved my life.

I now can get out of bed and stay up, I have endless energy and sugar cravings have gone stomach flattened unbelievable highly recommend this amazing product. My moods have stabilized as well, you rock Slim Gut”
- Colleen W, ✅Verified Buyer
“Getting my vitality back!”
“I am 42 years old and started feeling like I was a senior citizen. As a fitness instructor and author, I couldn’t share my best anymore. I basically put myself on stage to do a job well, but afterward went back to feeling sluggish and fatigued. 
I started using the entire Slim Gut and three months of use later, I am hooked! I don’t go a day without them and I have my zest for life back! Thank you for that! As a side benefit, I noticed the weight around my belly reduced. As nice as that is, it’s still a second to having my energy and vitality back.”
- Lacey P, ✅Verified Buyer
So if you want to experience the same benefits Colleen & Lacey did, and start feeling like yourself again, without the fatigue…

Why not try our Slim Gut Bundle today and experience the benefits firsthand today!
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