Top 5 Nutrient Deficiencies for Menopausal Women

Vitamins and minerals are crucial for a healthy, functioning body.

If there’s too little of any particular vitamin or mineral in your body, it sends you a signal in the form of several pesky symptoms. 

These symptoms vary for different vitamins & minerals, and are telltale signs that you might be missing several key vitamins your body needs to function.

Now this is especially important for menopausal women...

Because not only does hormonal change take up so much of your body’s energy...

But also, some of these signs of vitamin deficiency might be identical to the menopausal symptoms you’re facing right now.

Which is why today, we will be sharing the 5 most common vitamin deficiencies in menopausal women, as well as tips on how you can maintain a healthy level of vitamin and minerals:

#1 Magnesium

Magnesium might be the fourth most abundant mineral we have in the body, but that doesn’t make it any less important!

It is an absolutely vital nutrient women need to have during menopause, because if you’re low on magnesium levels you’re going to have to deal with:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Anxiety
  • Migraines 
  • Low energy
  • Mood swings
  • Pins & needles

Daily recommended intake: 320 milligram

The best way to get your much needed intake of magnesium is through your diet.

Common sources of magnesium include: avocado, salmon, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, almonds, spinach, kale, cocoa beans (70 to 75% dark chocolate)

#2 Calcium

This mineral is a household name for bone strength, which menopausal women need because menopause has been linked to osteoporosis a.k.a bone loss.

Other low calcium symptoms include:

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Weak nails

Daily recommended intake: 1,000 milligram (1,200mg if over 50)

The best foods that you can get your fill of calcium from are dark green leafy vegetables like: cabbages, spinach, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, sardines, dairy products

#3 Vitamin D

Unlike it’s siblings, vitamin D is special because it isn’t actually a vitamin, but a hormone the human body produces as a response to sun exposure.

As we get older, we tend to get tired easily and spend most of our time indoors, limiting our vitamin D intake. Now this can cause several symptoms like:

  • Weakened muscles
  • Changes in mood & cognitive function
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive issues

Daily recommended intake: 400 IU

The main source we derive vitamin D from is when we're out in sunlight (15 to 30 minutes for best effect).

However, if you are unable to bathe in the Sun’s rays, some foods do contain vitamin D, foods like: salmon, sardines, cod liver oil, light tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms.

#4 Zinc

Zinc is another crucial nutrient our body needs to function properly. Zinc naturally declines with age, which is why it is important to always try to keep zinc levels healthy.

Because if you don’t, you might find yourself experiencing:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased immunity
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Sugar Cravings

Daily recommended intake: 8-15 milligrams

The best sources you can get your zinc intake from are: nuts and seeds, red meat, shellfish, dairy, eggs, potatoes.

#5 Vitamin Bs

Vitamin B plays an important role in making sure your mind and body functions as intended. Also known as the building blocks of the body, B vitamins are responsible for maintaining your energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism.

If you don’t take enough vitamin B, you might start experiencing:

  • Weakness
  • Inability to focus
  • Irritability or depression
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Digestive issues

Daily recommended intake: Vitamin B-Complex (contains all essential B vitamins)

Because vitamin Bs are so diverse, you need to consume a wide variety of foods to keep your levels healthy: dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, shellfish, spinach, kale, avocados, whole grains, beans, nuts & seeds, citrus fruits, bananas, watermelon.

A good diet goes a long way...

A healthy and balanced diet is crucial in helping you avoid nutritional deficiencies. 

Try to incorporate the foods we’ve mentioned into your regular diet, especially vegetables, avocados, and whole grain because they not only contain the vitamin and nutrient your body needs, it’s also nutritious as well.

However, if you do not like any of the foods we’ve mentioned, feel free to replace it with something that's suitable to your taste buds.

P.S If you need a natural way to supplement your diet with essential vitamins and keep both deficiency & menopausal symptoms at bay, why not try our Menokit?

Our Menokit Bundle contains a formulated blend of herbs, probiotic and prebiotic that’s rich in calcium, vitamin D, zinc and magnesium

To that, we’ve also added a mix of key vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B complex (B1 B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) guaranteed to restore your body’s energy & nutrient levels naturally.

What’s more, if you sign up for our Autoship program, you get the Menokit at 20% off, with it delivered right to your doorstep:

Introducing the Menokit Bundle!

With it’s unique ingredients, the Menokit Bundle is specially formulated to help women fight back against menopausal symptoms like:

  • Vitamin & mineral deficiency
  • Weight gain
  • Hot flashes
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings

… and many more!

Why choose the Menokit Autoship?

Because it helps you save more, keeps you supplemented with vitamins and minerals & keeps menopausal symptoms at bay naturally..

Our Menokit is a menopausal companion that's natural & suitable for long-term use. and if you wish to enjoy the prolonged benefits of our bundle, jumping onto autoship is the smart move move.

Not only will you receive a whopping 20% discount off the bundle, but you do not have to fuss about reordering it every month.

Additionally, we will also have it delivered right to your doorstep, free of charge!

Don’t Believe Us?

Take a look at how the Menokit autoship helped Erica conquer her menopausal symptoms naturally:

“I’m officially a fan!”
“I was skeptical in the very least about trying another "pill solution" for my premenopause symptoms.
However I was pleasantly surprised to notice that after taking Menokit for one week, the bloating and early pregnancy tummy look was diminishing. Another huge bonus is that I have so much energy now, thanks to the essential vitamins. I’ve decided to jump on their autoship to get my money’s worth, finally a product that works.”
- Erica E, ✅Verified Buyer

So, if you want to enjoy the benefits, Ericia and over 100,000 women worldwide did…

And finally be able to enjoy your golden years without having to deal with pesky symptoms…

Try our Menokit on autoship now and experience the benefits for yourself!