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If a female body has low estrogen levels, they may cause vaginal dryness. It can be a symptom of genitourinary syndrome of menopause happening to many postmenopausal women. It is also often referred to as vaginal atrophy, and it's the process of drying, thinning, and inflammation of the vaginal walls resulting most commonly from hormone issues.
Thanks to estrogen, the vagina lining can be properly lubricated, elastic, and thick, so when there is not enough of this hormone, vaginal dryness during sex may result in painful intercourse with a partner. What is more, vaginal dryness can also make sports and other physical activities uncomfortable due to irritation, and it can increase the risk of vaginal infections. It is worth noting that sometimes it's also a problem that women deal with at a younger age - vaginal dryness before a period can also be problematic for sexual intercourse. It doesn't sound good, right?
Even though this condition is quite common, many people do not search for help as they may not realize it is an important aspect of women's health that can be properly treated. Also, they sometimes consider it embarrassing and are afraid of the discomfort associated with talking to a doctor about such personal issues.
But it shouldn't be this way - let's not be embarrassed by what is happening to our bodies at the post-menopausal age! We can fight this and still enjoy a successful sex life. Keep in mind that you can find the right vaginal dryness treatment for you and get rid of that problem instead of trying to cope with it in silence. You can get, for example, a vaginal dryness cream, a dedicated lubricant, or take proper medications and supplements.
Let's learn more about vaginal dryness, its possible causes, symptoms, and treatment options so that it doesn't harm our lives!
As it was mentioned before, what causes vaginal dryness is primarily a decreased estrogen level. And estrogen is amazingly important for our intimate health! Namely, this hormone strongly contributes to keeping our vaginal tissues in good shape by improving regular vaginal lubrication, tissue elasticity, and acidity.
It is worth noting that other medical conditions or hygiene practices can also cause vaginal dryness - it's not exclusively dependent on hormonal issues!
Estrogen levels can be reduced for a variety of reasons, including:
Other possible causes of vaginal dryness can be:
Vaginal dryness is a very characteristic symptom of vaginal atrophy that often comes along with:
In the case of vaginal dryness happening as a result of not enough estrogen, there can also be:
Those changes are altogether called dyspareunia, and they can cause pain during penetrative sex.
If you feel vaginal dryness and itching, don't ignore it! Your intimate health is crucial, after all. Keep on reading to find out more both on hormonal medications and home remedies for vaginal dryness. It's good to be familiar with many options!
Topical estrogen therapy is one of the most frequently applied treatments to deal with vaginal dryness. It uses special medication to fill the deficiency of the hormone your body is no longer able to produce in sufficient amounts.
Such treatment helps to relieve vaginal dryness, pain, and discomfort, but at the same time, it doesn't provide as much estrogen in your bloodstream as a hormonal medication in pills. And it's good to avoid too many side effects!
In most cases, women use one of the following three types of vaginal estrogen medications:
However, you need to be careful! Even though topical treatments don't cause as much harm as pills, they can still lead to breast pain, vaginal bleeding, and other side effects. For this reason, it is not advised to use them if you:
Fortunately, there are many natural treatments you can use to deal with vaginal dryness. Are you curious about what they are and what other health benefits they can provide you with? Check them out!
Apart from using various lubricants and enhancing your diet with ingredients helping you to address vaginal dryness, you can also use supplements made from natural ingredients (such as Provitalize) to make menopause easier to go through.
We really care for women who have to deal with unpleasant menopausal symptoms. For this reason, we have carefully composed a unique formula that will help you to deal with numerous issues related to menopause at the same time. Doesn't it sound great?
Here they are - all the ingredients of Provitalize excellent for women's health explained one by one!
All in all, it's worth addressing any symptom of menopause that can make you feel uncomfortable or even harm your sex life. You can use lubricants, as well as some home remedies for providing enough moisture in your vagina.
Women's health is super important! So in case of any doubts or concerns, don't be embarrassed to visit a clinic and discuss the possible treatments with your doctor. It will help you to feel better and get more pleasure from sexual intercourse with your partner. Do it both for yourself and for them!
To fight with more menopausal symptoms than just vaginal dryness, you can try taking Provitalize or go even further and get yourself our Menokit Bundle. We're sure you won't be disappointed!