5 Yoga Poses To Detoxify Your Body Naturally.

 After a long and frosty winter that seemed like it might never end...  

Spring is finally in the air!

 Along with warmer weather, chirping birds, and blooming flowers... 

Most of us are already spring-cleaning full force. 

But while you’re airing out the house and tidying up your living area, don’t forget to clean the most important place of all:

Your own body! 

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Our bodies are naturally equipped to eliminate toxins, but a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle can slow the process down. 

Which is why we’ve decided to compile 5 yoga poses that will get you sweating and twisting to boost your body’s detoxifying efforts:

Pose #1: Chair Twist

This gentle twist will stimulate your organs of detoxification, cleansing your physical body. 

  • Stand tall with legs together and inhale to reach arms straight up overhead.

  • As you exhale, sit back over your heels until your knees are at a 90 degree angle.

  • Pull hands in a prayer position into your chest as you slide your shoulder blades down.

  • Hold while you inhale and as you exhale twist your left elbow across your knees. Press your elbow against the outer edge of your right knee. Be sure to keep your heart above your hips. Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

  • Return hands to center and switch sides.

Pose #2: Cow Face

This pose stretches out your hips, which can help release built up emotional tension. 

  • From a seated position cross your right knee over your left knee.

  • Hook your right arm underneath your left arm.

  • Lift your elbows and press your palms together.

  • Release your arms on an inhale and try the pose with the left leg and right arm on top. 
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Pose #3: Cat Cow

Performing a gentle series of Cat-Cows will help to release stagnant energy from your body. 

  • Start on all fours.

  • Breathe in and lift your chest to the sky.

  • Exhale and curve your spine looking back toward your belly button.

  • Continue this movement at least 5 times breathing deeply through each transition.

Pose #4: Camel

This pose is a gentle heart opener that will leave you feeling energized and open to new possibilities. 

  • Start on your knees.

  • Lift your chest and gently bend back reaching for your feet. 
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Pose #5: Pigeon

Pigeon pose is another pose that will give you a deep stretch in your hips and provide an emotional release.

  • Start on your hands & knees.

  • Bring right leg forward, bent at the knee, and fold right leg in front of you, with right foot toward the left side of the mat.

  • Extend left leg behind you, as far as is comfortable, pressing the top of left foot to the mat.

  • You can do this pose either as a backbend, sending your head toward the sky and keeping your chest up, or as a fold, trying to bring your chest as close to the mat as possible.

  • Hold this pose for 10 deep breaths before switching to the other leg.

PS: These 5 yoga poses are definitely helpful for facilitating the movement of toxins out of your body.

However, to make sure the toxins are properly cleansed from your body, you need to keep your gut healthy...

Especially during menopause!

The hormonal imbalance that happens during menopause can cause your gut’s microbiome to go out of balance, negatively impacting your gut health.

So, to ensure your detox goes smoothly, you need to keep your gut healthy with probiotics.

Not just any probiotics, you need strains from the Lactobacillus family, as they work the best to help promote gut health

Which is why we’ve added Lactobacillus strains, along with other beneficial probiotics to help boost your gut health in one bottle:

Introducing Provitalize! 

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With its unique blend of thermogenic probiotics, all-natural herbs & absorption boosters, it has helped women worldwide with: 

  • Better Gut Health
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Weight Loss
  • Bloating
  • Hot Flashes / Night Sweats
  • Mood Swings

… and many more! 

Contains 3 natural phytoestrogenic herbs — Moringa, Curcumin and Curry leaf, that mimics the effects of estrogen when ingested, helping you rebalance your hormonal levels naturally, keeping other meno-symptoms at bay.

Contains 3 unique probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, a trio of beneficial bacteria that will help replenish the gut’s microbiome, supporting a healthier gut.

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