Menopause mostly deserves its bad rep…
With it’s frustrating bag of symptoms like hot flashes, brain fog, weight gain and mood swings, it's honestly harder NOT to hate it.
But most unfortunately, many women are uninformed about it.
A whopping 65% of women say they feel unprepared for what menopause may bring, reports a study in the journal Maturitas.
But compared to other major hormonal changes like puberty and pregnancy, you’ve actually got a lot more control over how you weather this one.
How? Knowledge.
The more you know about menopause, the less intimidating and dreadful it seems.
Which is why we’ve prepared some facts you might not only find eye-opening and interesting, but will also equip you with the information you need to face menopause on equal footing:
A lot of women think having sex after menopause won’t be as good or it will be painful.
Sure, fluctuating hormones can result in the vagina drying up and losing it’s elasticity, but you don’t have to live with it or let it kill your sex life.
There is help in the form of vaginal estrogen inserts, lubricants, and red light therapy can all give your vavavoom the lift it needs.
While 50% of women experience vaginal dryness and painful sex, as many as 90% don’t seek help, reports Harvard Women’s Health Watch.
So be in the 10%, and consult an expert.
Women tend to be more laid-back with their birth control as they enter their 40s, thinking there’s no way they could get pregnant again.
Well, think again because they’re still very much fertile, just less so.
So it is better to be on the pill if you’re still getting naughty regularly.
Another kudo in continuing to take hormonal birth control is that the steady dose of hormones in pills and IUDs may help you with the declining hormones, possibly reducing the amount of menopausal symptoms you face.
A whopping 80% of pre-menopausal women and 65% of post-menopausal women experience this sweltering symptom.
And while you may not be able to entirely avoid hot flashes...
There are ways to minimize their impact.
Hot flash triggers such as stress, hot drinks, caffeine, and sleep deprivation can set off a chain reaction resulting in more intense hot flashes.
Spicy foods, warm weather, and constrictive clothing could also turn up the heat.
So avoid those things, and swap them for healthy foods and cool, breathable clothes to better help regulate your temperature.
You officially reach the top of Mt. Menopause after 12 months without a period, a milestone most women hit around age 51.
Unfortunately, the symptoms might last way longer than the climb.
According to a study done by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the average lifetime of the symptoms racks up to 7.4 years total.
(It’s roughly 3 before your last period and 4.5 after)
So strap on tight and get familiar with your symptoms cause they’re gonna be here for a long time.
Estrogen is the cornerstone of your metabolic functions.
So when production ceases…
The drop in estrogen levels create a cascading effect that affects everything from fat production and distribution, appetite hormones and thyroid function to energy levels, sleep, mood, inflammation, and so much more.
This is probably why 90% of women face unwanted weight gain after menopause.
Which is why now is the time to take self-care to the next level, which means eating lots of fruits and veggies, exercising, practicing good sleep practices and reducing stress.
Mental health is especially important during menopause, and should be prioritized as much as physical health.
Women already have twice the risk of depression & anxiety compared to men, and during menopause it can worsen.
Not to mention the frustrating menopausal symptoms that only seem to add on to your stress.
That is why finding ways to vent or laugh is as important as eating healthily.
Try to reach out and get the support of your family & friends. There is always help out there, all you need to do is take the first step.
PS. Menopause can bring about unwanted weight, making you more prone to stubborn weight gain.
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