Hey good-looking, we hope you’re a whale of a time!
It’s me, Madison Young, back again this week for another one of our Workout Wednesdays!
Today, we’re going to amp up your digestion with these yoga poses!
Yoga has many health benefits like increased flexibility, cardio health and energy...
But do you know that it can also help improve your gut and digestion?
Whether the culprit is overindulging on a big meal, or something more serious like IBS...bloating and indigestion never feels good.
Now, if you’re looking to get natural relief for indigestion, why not break out the exercise mat and try some yoga?
With a combination of deep breathing, stretches that target abdominal organs, twists that massage and wring out stuck intestinal toxins, and poses that promote physical movement gastrointestinal (GI) tract —
— we’re sure you’ll be feeling a ton of relief after going through these 5 poses we’ve got in store for you:
Known as the cat and cow pose, this position massages the internal organs & introduces movement — particularly in the stomach and intestines — which can help ease the pain and bloating from a particularly heavy meal or other intestinal issue.
Simply rotate your spine up and down, rounding the back (the cat) and arching it (the cow) as you breathe.
Repeat each asana at least ten times, but feel free to continue until you feel you’re comfortable.
The triangle pose puts pressure on the colon, stimulating movement.
The extended puppy pose is a great way to relieve stomach cramps.
The downward facing dog pose would help you improve digestion.
A simple forward fold is a great way to massage those intestines while lengthening and stretching the back at the same time.
The bridge pose is another method for compressing the digestive organs. This pose also helps to move fresh blood to the heart, which can help keep you refreshed so you don’t nap after a big dinner.
This pose will help you to relax your abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks.
PS. If you’re looking for a probiotic bundle to boost the effects of these stretches for indigestion relief, why not try our Slim Gut Bundle at 23% OFF?
To prevent bloating & bolster gut health in the long-term, you need to constantly feed your gut the right probiotics & prebiotics.
Probiotics help keep your gut running properly fending off bad bacteria that causes bloating, while prebiotics help keep the probiotics nourished so they can stay alive and multiply continuously.
Now, if you’re looking to have a healthy gut for the years to come, we recommend getting our Slim Gut Bundle — which you can try now at 23% OFF!
Use code SAVE23 during check out to enjoy 23% OFF Slim Gut Bundle:
With it’s unique ingredients, the Slim Gut Bundle is specially formulated to help women:
And when taken together, Provitalize and Previtalize can help better your gut health naturally and effectively, and boost digestion to reduce bloating.
Provitalize shines the brightest when taken together with Previtalize. The prebiotics in Previtalize help boost the efficacy of the unique probiotic strains found in Provitalize.
This makes the Slim Gut Bundle the absolute must-have for any women trying to improve their digestion, reduce bloating and improve their gut health!
Check out what our lovely customer have to say about how the Slim Gut Bundle helped her restore her gut health:
“Better gut health, finally!”
“Before trying the Slim Gut Bundle, I couldn’t eat anything without feeling bloated and uncomfortable.
After 2 weeks of taking the Slim Gut the bloating was gone. I truly feel like my gut health’s improving. Although I have only lost 5 lbs, I fit into my clothes that I could not zip or button before this. It really works for me!”
- Kelly B, ✅Verified Buyer
If you want to enjoy the same benefits as Kelly B, and not only improve your gut health but also keep bloating at bay...
Why not try our Slim Gut Bundle at 23% OFF and experience the benefits firsthand today!
PPS. So if you’re interested in a natural solution to the many digestive issues menopausal brings, now’s the best time to give our Slim Gut Bundle a try because:
To help women worldwide fight back against menopause & it’s pesky symptoms — we’re giving away a massive 23% OFF storewide!
Simply enter the coupon code: SAVE23 at checkout to enjoy this limited offer for Slim Gut, our best selling gut health bundle.
Hurry and redeem your coupon while stocks last!