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Tired of all the chafing your “thunder thighs” are causing?
There’s a reason why they’re given that thunderous moniker.
It’s because like thunder, they clap when you move.
Our thighs are one of our body parts that are most susceptible to excess fat.
And the decline in estrogen during menopause makes women even more prone to weight gain, which can result in “thunder thighs” forming.
In order to trim the excess fat off your thighs, you’re going to need to make dietary, exercise and lifestyle changes.
We’ve covered the exercise portion of the challenge here, so be sure to catch up if you missed it!
Today, we will be sharing with you:
Coffee can stimulate your metabolism, your body’s fat-burning ability, and your workouts.
But that’s for plain coffee, if you load it with too much sugar or cream it will backfire instead.
Do limit your coffee intake as well, as it can lead to crashes that contribute to overeating at night and generally not feeling great. So stick to two cups per day max.
Most commonly touted in sports drinks, electrolytes like calcium, magnesium & potassium are important if you’re looking to trim your thighs.
The more electrolytes that you have, the less salt your body will retain, as it helps the body flushes out excess water.
Dark leafy greens, yogurt, and bananas are excellent sources of various types of electrolytes, so aim for nine servings of fruits and veggies every day: 2-3 half-cup servings of fruit, and the rest veggies (1 cup raw or 1½ cup cooked).
Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go!
The less hydrated you are, the more your body holds on to water. So drinking adequate amounts of water flushes out the excess salt from your body, reducing bloating.
Staying hydrated also helps curb appetite, since being dehydrated has the same effects of being hungry. Aim for 2-3 litres per day, depending on how fast you lose water.
It also helps curb your appetite, since dehydration mimics hunger. Aiming for your two to three liters per day—on the higher end if you’re exercising or it’s hot outside.
You should try to pack every meal with as much fiber and protein if you want to shed that weight.
Both of these macronutrients help keep you fuller on fewer calories. Furthermore, studies have shown that diets rich in protein are more effective at reducing thigh fat than diets that are low in protein.
We recommend having 25 to 35 grams of fiber and 75 to 100 grams of protein per day from veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats.
You need to watch your salt intake.
Salt makes your body hold on to water more than it’s supposed to, and that can cause bloating which can affect your whole body, thighs included.
By cutting back on salt-loaded foods like processed foods, sauces, canned veggies, and soups, you’ll notice almost an immediate change in how you feel and how your clothes fit.
It’s hard, but you need to cut down on your carbs.
When you eat carbs, your body turns the carbs into energy, and they’re stored together with water in your liver and muscles.
Which means, the more carbs you eat, the more bloated you become. Plus the stored energy if unused will be turned into fat.
If you have to eat carbs, try some whole grains since they're an excellent source of filling, heart-healthy fiber as well as folate, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.
Carbs to cut down on: Rice cakes, White rice, Cereal, White bread, Potato chips, Muffins, White pasta, Tortilla wraps, Bagels, Juice, Flavored yogurt, Energy bars, Sodas, Fancy coffee drinks, Crackers.
If you’re truly determined to lose those thunder thighs, you have to stop drinking liquid calories.
Alcohol contains a ton of calories, whether it's a light beer or a mixed drink, they can easily add up to at least 100 to 110 calories per beverage.
And when you’re tipsy-hungry, the food you order won’t usually be the healthier choice, like salty fries or wings.
That is why limiting how much and how often you consume booze can help you trim those thighs faster.
P.S. If you’re looking to get the best out of your weight management diets, probiotics are one thing you cannot afford to miss out on.
Probiotics may reduce the number of calories you absorb from food.
They also affect levels of hormones and proteins related to appetite and fat storage, as well as potentially reduce inflammation, which can drive obesity.
But probiotics alone, might not be enough. To get results fast and effective, you also need Prebiotics.
Prebiotics give probiotics the nutrient it needs to grow and propagate faster, as well as improving digestion & reducing fat storage.
And we’ve got the perfect Probiotic + Prebiotic combo, specially designed for weight loss right here:
The Slim Gut Bundle — contains 2 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize) specially formulated to help women:
Provitalize — Contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, each of them capable of boosting your metabolism & calorie burn-rate, helping you shed unwanted weight in a snap.
Previtalize — Contains 5 effective and natural prebiotics capable of not only boosting the performance of thermogenic probiotics, but also improves digestion and helps reduce fat absorption.
When Provitalize & Previtalize are taken together, the prebiotics in Previtalize help boost the weight loss efficacy of the unique probiotic strains found in Provitalize, giving faster and better weight loss results.
This makes the Slim Gut Bundle a must-have for any woman looking to achieve their fitness goals in 2021, giving them the support they need to finally get rid of those chafing thunder thighs.
Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Slim Gut bundle helped them with their weight management:
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