Find Out Your “Hot Flash Footprint”, As Well As Hacks To Reduce Them!

Not All Hot Flashes Are Created Equal

Nothing else that screams “menopause” as much as experiencing a hot flash.

The feeling of being so hot you’re going to burst into flames ...and within minutes you’re drenched head to toe in sweat.

About 75% of all women have these sudden, brief, periodic increases in their body temperature, caused by hormonal fluctuations.

However, just like how everyone’s body is uniquely different

So are hot flashes!

Each and every hot flash experience is different! 

What you feel might be totally different than what your friend feels! It’s not just heat emanating from the chest, like mostly described by doctors. 

Here are some different ways hot flashes manifest in menopausal women:

“It feels like my arms and legs are being tormented with needles, quickly followed by me sweating from every pore. The sweating lasted for a half hour.”

“Mine starts with a tingling sensation from the toes that crawls up my's so disconcerting and exhausting.”

“Mine feels like an adrenaline rush. Starts slow, then as the rush intensifies, my trunk, arms, face, head and neck break out in a red flush and sweat.”

“I’m on fire all the time. Sweating and anxiety are pretty much constant. I gave up my usual work outs because I just have zero tolerance for heat.”

“At this point in this joyful journey through menopause, my hot flashes feel like my insides under the skin turn into a furnace with a malfunctioning thermostat.”

“They're in my legs. My legs get so hot and I have to remove shoes, pull pant legs up, it's bizarre as hell.”

“I don’t break out into a sweat with mine- I just feel like my skin is sizzling, usually my legs or I feel hot from the inside out.”

“I’ve always thought it must feel like being on the beach in the blazing sun with no respite, but for me it’s worse. The heat is coming from within, as if my spine is suddenly a rod on fire, and there is no escape.”

No matter how differently hot flashes manifest...

One thing stays the same — how infuriatingly pesky they are to deal with!

If you want to naturally reduce the severity & the occurrence of your hot flashes, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is usually the choice for many menopausal women.

However, if you’re cautious about HRT, and want a more natural solution...

Here’s a list of lifestyle hacks that can save you some hot flash misery, or you can pay it forward for a friend who is swimming in her own sweat:

Hack #1: Sip on a cold drink

A swig of ice water can cool you down and bring your core temperature back to normal when a hot flash strikes. 

Tip: Keep some refillable water bottles on hand, fill them with lots of ice and water, and store a few in the freezer. Swap it with a chilled one whenever it gets lukewarm.

Hack #2: Be mindful of triggers

Sometimes hot flashes may be triggered or made worse by the things we eat or drink. Avoiding hot beverages, alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods may reduce hot flashes.

Tip: If you do have to consume these trigger foods, pay attention to which particular foods cause hot flashes and avoid it completely in the future.

Hack #3: Dress for the occasion

Be always ready for any situation, from shiver-me chills to a major hot flash, by wearing several layers. 

Start with a tank top, then add a light blouse or a button-down cotton sweater. Avoid pullovers, which can be difficult to remove when the heat comes knocking.

Hack #4: Choose a cooler bedding

Pay attention to your bedding because the materials used can help reduce night sweats. 

Cotton sheets are pretty standard and can be lightweight and cool, but there are other beddings that can cool and regulate your temperature, like:

  • Percale
  • Eucalyptus fibers
  • Microfiber
  • Bamboo

There are mattress pads and pillows available that are filled with cooling gels that can also provide a nice cooling touch.

Hack #5: Consider natural or alternative treatments

We all know the jury is out on hormonal or bioidentical hormone treatments — and if you’re wary of those...don’t worry! 

There are many women who successfully manage their hot flashes naturally with:

  • Phytoestrogenic herbs
  • Soy
  • Flaxseed
  • Acupuncture
  • Vitamins
PS. Over 716,700 women can now stay cool and dry throughout the day, free of hot flashes, thanks to our Hot Flash Bundle.
Menopausal hot flashes & night sweats are no joke. In fact, hundreds of thousands of women listed ‘hot flashes’ as the most annoying symptom during menopause… and for good reason.
The moment menopause hits, you get these hot, intense streaks of heat that makes you start sweating profusely, regardless of time and place.
If you’re tired of having to deal with hot flashes & night sweats all day long...
Don’t worry sister, we got your back!

Introducing the Hot Flash Bundle!

The Hot Flash Bundle contains a special blend of ingredients specially formulated to help women:

  • Combat hot flashes
  • Manage night sweats
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Rebalance hormonal levels

Just by taking 2 capsules of Provitalize & 1 capsule of inergySLEEP each day, you too, can experience these benefits:

  1. Reduced hot flash intensity
  2. Lesser hot flash & night sweats
  3. Replenish hormonal levels
  4. Better weight management
  5. Reduced stubborn fat accumulation
  6. Better quality sleep
  7. Increased energy levels
  8. Reduced Inflammation
  9. Better gut health

Why choose the Hot Flash Bundle Autoship?

Our Hot Flash Bundle contains the perfect blend of ingredients to reduce both the intensity & occurrence of hot flashes & night sweats naturally...

Allowing them to stay calm, cool and dry all day without having to deal with the nasty streaks of heat.

Now, if you wish to experience it for yourself, jumping onto our autoship plan is the right move.

Not only receive a whopping 20% discount, but you do not have to fuss about reordering it every month.

Additionally, we will also have it delivered right to your doorstep, free of any delivery charges!

Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about our Hot Flash Bundle and how it helped manage their hot flashes:

“The best ever I’m a different women”

“This product has changed my life. Hot Flash Bundle has stopped all my hot flashes and night sweats I’ve been having for 8 years. I was having 20-30 hot flashes a day and waking up soaking wet even with the window open at -10 in Northern British Columbia. It even helped me take some weight off and gave me more energy.

- Donna G, ✅Verified Buyer

“Night Sweat Relief!”

“I was very skeptical after the first week, because nothing happened. I was having horrible, horrible night sweats, sleeping one hour at a time at night and waking up in a pool of sweat..It was horrible. Then in about three weeks,I noticed that I was sleeping, and only waking up one or two times a night! I’m going to order another bundle and I can’t wait to see my further results!”

- Theresa T, ✅Verified Buyer.

So, if you’re dealing with hot flashes and want them gone, like how Donna & Theresa got rid of theirs...

Why not sign up for our Hot Flash Bundle autoship at 20% OFF and experience the benefits firsthand today!