How to Stop Menopause Bloating With the Best Supplements and Lifestyle Changes

How to Stop Menopause Bloating With the Best Supplements

Bloating in menopause doesn’t just leave you feeling rounder and less confident in your appearance. That feeling of being swollen as pressure builds inside your stomach can range from mildly annoying to painfully debilitating.

How many times have you had to refuse an event invitation or opt for a loose-fitting dress, just because of the dreaded meno bloat? Well, no more. We’re going to teach you how to stop menopause bloating so you can get back to living your life without limits.

From the best supplements for menopause bloating (including Provitalize menopause probiotics) to dietary changes, exercise, hydration, and more - we’ll share all the ways you can find relief from bloating during menopause. But first, why does menopause cause bloating?

A Brief Overview of Menopause and Bloating

Menopause is a natural phase in every woman's life. It signals the end of her reproductive years. But along with this biological transition comes a slew of menopause symptoms that can range from mild to downright challenging.

Among these is bloating - a common, yet often overlooked concern that many women grapple with. You’re familiar with the hot flashes and the dreaded menopause weight gain - but what’s the link between menopause and bloating?

Does Menopause Cause Bloating?

In short, yes. Menopause itself isn't the direct cause, but the hormonal shifts that occur during the early stages of menopause play a significant role. 

The body responds in various ways as the ovaries reduce their production of estrogen and progesterone. One of the most noticeable changes is in regard to your digestive health and fluid retention - both significant contributors to bloating.

What Causes Bloating in Menopause?

So, what causes bloating in menopause exactly? Understanding the relationship between menopause and bloating requires a closer look at the body's internal mechanics:

  • Hormonal Fluctuations: The decline in estrogen affects the body’s water and bile production. This can lead to constipation, which in turn, causes gas and bloating.
  • Digestive Changes: Your digestive system can become more sluggish as you age. Slow-moving food can produce excess gas, especially when fermenting in the gut.
  • Fluid Retention: Hormonal changes can make your body hold on to more water and salt, leading to a bloated feeling and even weight gain.
  • Dietary Sensitivities: Some women find that they become more sensitive to certain foods during menopause, like dairy or certain types of carbohydrates, resulting in bloating after consumption.

That being said, is there anything you can do to alleviate bloating in menopause - or is this just your new normal? 

Don’t stress. The answer is as simple as getting the best probiotic for menopause and making a few other lifestyle changes. Find out how to stop menopause bloating below!

How to Stop Menopause Bloating

Managing and even mitigating menopausal bloating is entirely possible with the right resources. You can feel confident in your efforts to stop bloating during menopause by following these tips below - starting with understanding the role of probiotics for menopause bloating. 

The Role of Probiotics for Menopause Bloating

Probiotics have long been hailed as gut guardians, but their significance becomes even more pronounced during menopause. Here’s how these beneficial bacteria can help create a sense of balance when introduced to the gut:

  • Enhance Digestive Efficiency: Probiotics can improve bowel regularity, ensuring smoother digestion that reduces gas and bloating.
  • Balance Gut Flora: The gut microbiome is a delicate ecosystem of various bacteria. Unfortunately, it can be disrupted during menopause. Introducing probiotics helps restore this balance, preventing overgrowth of gas-producing bacteria.
  • Support Immune Function: A healthy gut positively impacts the immune system, reducing imbalances that can exacerbate bloating.

But, it’s imperative that you choose the best probiotics for belly fat as not all strains are created equal. While some probiotics help with menopause weight gain, other probiotics can cause weight gain.

The good news? We’ve integrated the 3 most effective probiotics to support your digestive health in our supplement. There’s a reason it’s considered among the best supplements for menopause - try it yourself and feel the difference in your gut firsthand!

Key Herbs in Treating Bloating During Menopause

Probiotics for menopause bloating can be a game-changer in supporting your digestive health. But alongside probiotics, certain herbs can also play a pivotal role in your bloating-busting arsenal.

In fact, some of these herbs for menopause weight gain are included in Provitalize. Here are some of the top choices for finding respite from digestive woes:

  • Peppermint: Widely regarded as a digestive aid, peppermint tea can help soothe the digestive tract, reduce spasms, and alleviate gas. Its pleasant aroma and taste make it a soothing daily ritual for many.
  • Turmeric: This golden herb is not just a kitchen staple but a powerful anti-inflammatory. When incorporated into the diet, it can help improve inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Moringa Leaf: Found in certain high-quality supplements, moringa aids digestion, improves inflammation, and has been used traditionally to combat bloating.
  • Fenugreek: A less-known gem, fenugreek has properties that can help reduce bloating and gas. It can be taken as a tea or in capsule form.
  • Ginger: A tried and true remedy, ginger can help stimulate digestion, reduce spasms, and alleviate gas.

Staying Hydrated

While seeking external remedies and supplements can be beneficial, it's equally vital to not underestimate the role of basic daily habits. That’s where staying hydrated comes in.

We know what you’re thinking…it sounds counterintuitive to drink more water to reduce water retention. But hear us out. Drinking ample water keeps your digestive system flowing. 

On the other hand, when you’re dehydrated, your body holds onto what little water it does have as a survival tactic. This can exacerbate bloating during menopause. Here are a few more ways in which staying hydrated can reduce bloating in menopause:

  • Flushes Toxins: Drinking adequate water helps the kidneys eliminate waste products and excess fluids, reducing puffiness and bloating.
  • Improves Digestion: Water is essential to break down food and absorb nutrients effectively. A hydrated digestive system is less prone to constipation, a common culprit behind bloating.
  • Keeps the Gut Healthy: A well-hydrated system ensures smoother transit of food and waste, reducing the chances of gas buildup.
  • Counteracts Sodium: High sodium intake can cause water retention. Drinking water helps flush out excess sodium, ensuring a balance in fluid levels.

For best results, aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Water source matters just as much as quantity, so filter your water if applicable. 

You can also include hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges in your diet. These contain electrolytes that will help make your water more “efficient”.

Getting Regular Exercise

Motion is a natural antidote to bloating. You stimulate your digestive system when you move, helping it function at its optimal level. But why is exercise so important for stopping bloating in menopause, exactly?

  • Enhances Gut Motility: Physical activity, especially aerobic exercises, can accelerate the passage of gas through the digestive tract, reducing bloating.
  • Reduces Water Retention: Exercise induces sweating, which helps flush out excess water and salts from the body.
  • Strengthens Core Muscles: A strong core supports the digestive organs, helping them function better and reducing the chances of bloating.
  • Elevates Mood: Regular exercise releases endorphins - the feel-good hormones. A positive mood can counteract stress, which, as we know, can be a trigger for digestive issues.
  • Promotes Better Sleep: Physical activity can enhance sleep quality, and a well-rested body is less likely to experience bloating.

You don’t have to do anything crazy either. It can be as simple as taking morning and evening walks around the neighborhood. 

Or, you can take things a step further with low-impact exercises such as biking, swimming, jogging, yoga, etc. It matters less how you move and more that you move. 

Avoiding Certain Foods That Trigger Bloating

Bloating is often influenced by the foods we consume. This sensitivity can be amplified during menopause. 

While everyone's digestive system is unique, certain foods are known culprits for inducing bloating in many:

  • Beans and Lentils: While these are considered healthy foods packed with protein, they may exacerbate bloating. That’s because they contain sugars and fibers that some might find hard to digest, leading to gas.
  • Dairy Products: Some women lose their tolerance to lactose with age, causing bloating after consuming dairy. It’s worth eliminating cheese, milk, ice cream, and other dairy products and seeing if your bloating subsides.  
  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Foods like broccoli and cabbage, though nutritious, can cause gas due to their fiber content.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Some, like sorbitol, can be difficult for certain individuals to digest, leading to bloating. There’s even documentation of sucralose causing leaky gut and bloating. Your best bet is to follow a natural menopause diet plan and steer clear of these artificial additives.

It can be beneficial to maintain a food diary. You can track and pinpoint which foods might be causing discomfort this way. 

Read about foods to avoid menopause weight gain and foods to never eat for a flat stomach in our blog if you want to learn more about the nutrition side of living with menopause.

Reducing Sodium Intake

Excessive sodium can lead the body to retain water, creating a bloated sensation. While it’s necessary in moderation, overdoing it can leave you feeling like a balloon. Here’s some advice on lowering your intake:

  • Be Label-Conscious: Many processed foods sneak in high sodium levels. Checking the nutritional label is crucial.
  • Opt for Fresh Over Processed: Snacks like potato chips or canned soups often have elevated sodium content. Other offenders include deli meats, pizza, or anything with salt as an ingredient.
  • Home Cooking: Preparing your own meals allows better control over sodium content.
  • Use Natural Seasonings: Rely on herbs and spices for flavor, reducing the need for salt.
  • Keep Hydrated: Water helps in flushing out excess sodium, aiding in reducing bloating.

It’s alarming how much sodium Americans consume on a daily basis compared to what is necessary. The average person will eat 3,400mg, but you should set a max of 2,300mg for yourself to ease bloating.

Eliminating Carbonated Drinks

From sodas to sparkling waters, carbonated drinks are beloved for their refreshing, fizzy sensation. However, the very bubbles that give these drinks their zest can be a prime culprit for bloating. 

Each sip introduces a surge of carbon dioxide into the digestive system. This can lead to trapped gas and leave the stomach feeling distended and uncomfortable.

So, eliminating or reducing carbonated beverages from your diet can make a significant impact. The digestive system can process foods more efficiently which further reduces menopause boating complications.

Opt for still water infused with natural flavors like cucumber or lemon for hydration without the bloat. These may support a healthier life as well through antioxidants.

Medical Treatments for Bloating During Menopause: Are They Worth It?

Medical interventions might be on the horizon for those experiencing persistent and severe bloating during menopause. 

There are several treatments available, from prescription medications to over-the-counter remedies. But are they worth it?Here are a few options we suggest you explore:

  • Antispasmodic Drugs: These can prevent spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, helping to alleviate symptoms.
  • Diuretics: They can help if water retention is the cause of the bloating, but they're not without side effects.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): While it can relieve many menopausal symptoms, its efficacy for bloating varies among women and comes with its own set of risks. We talk about going through menopause without HRT along with the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy in our blog.

While medical treatments can offer relief, it's crucial to weigh their benefits against potential side effects. A holistic approach that combines lifestyle changes with the best supplements for menopause bloating often proves effective.

Other Lifestyle Changes to Stop Bloating During Menopause

We’ve covered most of what you need to know in regards to how to stop menopause bloating. But before we bring this conversation to a close here are a few other suggestions:

  • Mindful Eating: Consider how you eat instead of just focusing on what you eat. Slow down and chew each bite thoroughly. This simple act reduces the amount of air swallowed during meals, which can contribute to bloating. Furthermore, it promotes better digestion as enzymes in saliva start the digestive process.
  • Abdominal Massage: Gentle abdominal massages can sometimes help stimulate the movement of digestive contents and release trapped gases.
  • Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: These can irritate the gut lining and exacerbate bloating for some women. While you don't have to eliminate them completely, moderation is key.

That being said, there is one more thing we need to cover to help you overcome bloating during menopause: the best supplements for menopause bloating.

Get the Best Supplements for Menopause Bloating at BB Company!

Provitalize is a scientifically backed blend of natural herbs and the best probiotic for menopause weight gain. It’s helped millions of women reclaim their livelihood and feel comfortable & confident in their own skin again.

You can’t talk about how to stop menopause weight gain or ease bloating in menopause without mentioning Provitalize. But, what makes it one of the most sought-after treatments for meno belly

It comes down to the 3 probiotic strains included: L. Gasseri, B.Breve, and B.Lactis. These help you feel lighter and less gassy while also aiding in healthy weight management.

Another key Provitalize ingredient is 95% curcuminoids, which contain antioxidants to fight against the bodily dysfunction that occurs with low estrogen levels.

Provitalize won’t just help you overcome bloating during menopause, either. It’s considered among the best supplements for menopause brain fog, menopause fatigue, menopause nausea, menopause hip pain, menopause anxiety, menopause acne, menopause body odor, and hot flashes.

With no side effects of Provitalize and thousands of positive Provitalize reviews, this is worth taking a chance on if you’re struggling with bloating during menopause. 

What do you have to lose? Your order is protected by a 90-day money-back guarantee. Get yours today and put menopause bloating behind you once and for all.

“I’m amazed at the results. I have less bloating, better mood, more energy, better gut health, and flatter stomach.” -Janet Ferguson

“No more bloating, uneasiness, or feeling of blah! Down in weight, to a point of flatter tummy as well as overall slimming. Feel amazing daily & my quality of life is back.” -Cynthia

“This supplement has helped me with several issues that had plagued me for a few years such as bloating and low energy. I began to experience higher energy levels, felt lighter, also lost a few lbs, and slept much better. Ladies - you are never too old to start taking BB Company Provitalize.” -Penelope Merkley-Teggart

Bringing Our Conversation on How to Stop Menopause Bloating to a Close

As we wrap up this comprehensive look into bloating during menopause, it's evident that this discomfort is a multifaceted issue. Bloating during menopause is rooted in hormonal changes, dietary choices, and other lifestyle factors.

But, now that you know how to stop menopause bloating you can implement the natural remedies we shared today - along with the best probiotic supplements for menopause bloating.

You can learn more about how to lose menopause belly fat in our blog. We have resources on topics like how long does menopause weight gain last, the signs of coming to the end of menopause, rapid aging after menopause, perimenopause weight gain, weight gain after hysterectomy, lactobacillus gasseri benefits, and more.

Otherwise, get the best supplements for menopause weight gain today at BB Company. Provitalize is a click away ready to help you make bloating an uncomfortable, unsightly problem of the past!